The clock stood still.
Its ancient hands slowly counting the minutes. The hours. The days.
All were dancing.
The waltz held such a fascination similar to a new kitten, or a fiddle.
Cascades of flowers were everywhere. The white roses in profusion along with the peonies, all pink.
It was Springtime in Atlanta and the city was bursting with color. The annual White Rose Ball was just ending and those in attendance were preparing to leave and continue their late evening’s reverie at the Atlanta Botanic Gardens.
The Gardens were host to an after-Ball nature walk near the orchid display. The grounds were lighted with tiny white and blue lights so the entire scene was one of magic and wonder. The Longleaf Restaurant was prepared with hundreds of fancy desserts, coffees and tea. Some of the desserts included chocolate raspberry tarts, crème du pot of strawberries, and frosted brownies. They would be served on small silver and blue plates. Candles were lighted all around the rooms. The scent of lavender and violets permeated the quiet night time air.
Henri and Camilla were celebrating their first anniversary as a couple. They were in love. Henri was an engineer and Camilla was a teacher. They had much in common even as their differences were apparent. They had danced the night away along with all the others and now were preparing to go to the Gardens.
The scene was pacific as they entered a taxi for the short ride from the hotel to the Gardens. Along the way there were large patches of daffodils, tulips and forsythia, all in great bloom. Camilla could see the hydrangeas and the peonies had broken ground just waiting for a few more weeks of sun and rain to turn them into flowering beauty. This night the stars were profound and dancing across the Heavens as the full moon smiled.
They arrived along with many other couples and were escorted inside by costumed butlers. Attendants took their coats and hats and showed them the way to the refreshments. This night mattered for the young couple. Tomorrow was a distant possibility. They would think about tomorrow later. The tomorrow of infinite possibilities. Their tomorrow.
The clock showed the hour to be past midnight.
It was time to leave and enjoy their slumber.
The following morning greeted the happy couple with a burst of southern sunshine. It flooded their rooms saying hello to another day. They were planning to have lunch at Pittypat’s Porch which was only two blocks from the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel. After lunch they would walk the six blocks to the Georgia Aquarium.
Pittypat’s Porch opened in 1967 and features a “Gone With The Wind” theme and a full menu of Southern classics including BBQ ribs, fried chicken, Georgia catfish, crab cakes and grits. There is actually a porch with rocking chairs for guests to relax a moment while waiting to be seated.
Henri and Camilla waited there for a few minutes and talked about their adventures in Atlanta. Henri had a nosegay fashioned by the hotel florist and presented the violets to her just before they entered the restaurant. It was those violets that brought a great smile to Camilla’s face. It was those violets she would remember when they celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. They would both remember their Atlanta rendezvous simply in the springing of the year.