By Marjorie Logman
I am writing to a select group: Far right Donald Trump followers, and far right Evangelicals, those who have a steady diet of Fox News television and Republicans who have made the party something my father would not recognize.
To give some background, I grew up with my father’s family dedicated Republicans and my mother’s family Chicago Democrats with ties as far back as the Roosevelts. Dad spent most of his life as a Methodist and mother was a dedicated Catholic. We could not build walls, or ignore each other’s beliefs, or ideas because we were all in one house sharing life together. Batavia has a bridge over the Fox River named after Monsignor Donovan which is appropriate, because he was a bridge-builder long before it was fashionable. He often met with and had friendships with pastors of other denominations.

Those whom I am writing to, have walls that seem to be getting higher and higher. I am a Christian and a Democrat. I want to tell you we are not who you think we are, while you live behind your walls of disinformation. Each group, family, organization, has those who are extremists. For the most part we Christians and Democrats are kind, interesting, individuals. We are not coming after your children. Schools are not indoctrinating them, and if you think so, where are you besides yelling about it behind your walls. We do not want to take your faith away from you, although some of your views on the far right are questionable.
Many of you are angry, with beliefs about the other not based in fact. Christian television and Fox News spends so much time instilling fear and defaming the other without cause, that it is hard to talk to you. We do not promote chaos, or lawbreaking. We want to live in peace. You are told that all protestors are anarchists and violent, which is untrue. One fight on the playground does not condemn all individuals on the playground. There is danger, violence, and sickness, but if you come outside your walls, it is not as bad as you are told. The problems today are huge and they are so evident. We need law and order, and judges, but they are not the whole answer. We ask the government for assistance not to make individuals lazy, but because they need help. You’ve been lied to that assistance equals laziness. You have gone overboard on building churches, buying jets, getting on television, and making money through corporate endeavors that the Democrats must come to the aid of the marginalized. Capitalism has gone awry.
Through American history extremists have used socialism and Marxism to defame the other. Many of you cannot even define those terms, but have been told it makes individuals dangerous and those are on the left. You can’t be telling us that the Country belongs to you and all our beliefs are threatening to society. It is not true. We are citizens, too. Donald Trump is a deception that only enhances these views that are not based in facts.
The right has gone down a path which I hope is not one of no return. Your walls are high and there is very little room for discussion which there was at my family table. Your freedom to speak is only contained when your views are extremist, promote division, and based in lies because you only listen behind your walls. If you would start a conversation without such anger and the premise that only you are right, it would help.
If America is to go back again it should return where each party, each side, brings value to the argument, not division and self-righteousness. Far right Republicans need to cease and desist, even in the Church. You can do it, and I believe if you did, my dad would smile from heaven.