Will County clerk Nancy Schultz Voots thanks Will County for voting in the November 6 general election. Below are the statistics for this Election:
Total registered voters: 429,647
Total vote by mail ballots cast/returned: 24,768
Total early voting ballots cast: 48,355
Total election day ballots cast: 176,174
Total same day registrations taken on election day: 3,620
Voter turnout: 58.11%
For more statistics, see the November 6, 2018 General Election Canvass Book at thewillcountyclerk.com.
— Will County Clerk
Fox Valley Brass Band concert Dec. 9
Fox Valley Brass Band will present a Christmas concert at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9, at Wesley United Methodist Church, 14 N. May Street in Aurora. The public is invited. Admission and parking are free.
“Get into the holiday spirit with brass music,” said Rev. John Bell, church pastor. “All are welcome.”
Call 630-896-1033 for more information.
—Al Benson
Montgomery will honor holiday displays
The Montgomery Beautification Committee will sponsor its Holiday Decorations Contest for homes and businesses to be honored for exceptional holiday displays. December 12, committee members and volunteer judges will visit the nominated addresses to select the winners.
Nominations will be accepted through December 10. You can nominate a property at the Village website at www.ci.montgomery.il.us or by calling 630-896-9241, ext. 9044.
—Montgomery village government