Woman’s Club of Aurora set to plant Pinwheel Garden

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The Woman’s Club of Aurora was set to plant a Pinwheel Garden at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, March 29 in the garden area of Mutual Ground, 418 Oak Avenue, Aurora. Blue pinwheels and blue ribbons are national symbols for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The pinwheels represent the happy, nurtured, childhood all children deserve.
Every day in the USA, 1,900 children become victims of abuse or neglect and four of them will die! We must build communities committed to families and to the support and services they need to raise happy, healthful, children. That begins with awareness. Domestic violence and child abuse are closely linked.
The Woman’s Club of Aurora purchased 125 blue pinwheels from Prevent Child Abuse Illinois in an effort to change the way we think about prevention. The Pinwheel Garden will remain on display through April, the nationally designated month for child abuse and neglect prevention. All months should be for child abuse awareness and prevention!
The signature project of the Illinois state organization of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs has been “Our Promise: A Safe Place for Every Child” – the prevention of child abuse and neglect since 1994. Every April meeting the Woman’s Club of Aurora holds a baby shower for the Healthy Families-Aurora site, operating under the umbrella of Visiting Nurses Association. Members donate all things new or very gently-used that babies need, sizes newborn to five years. These include clothing, onesies, diapers, shampoo, lotion, and chunky books. Cash donations are accepted.
For information on educational materials and methods on the prevention of child abuse and neglect contact Prevent Child Abuse Illinois at www.preventchildabuseillinois.org. For information on the Woman’s Club of Aurora call 630-212-3259.
— Woman’s Club of Aurora

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