Woman’s Club of Aurora will meet Tuesday, Sept. 8

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The Woman’s Club of Aurora will open the 2020-2021 Club year with a socially-distanced luncheon meeting at noon Tuesday, Sept. 8 in the open-sided tent at Orchard Valley Golf Club. Both members and servers will observe all tenets of COVID-19 protection.

Following the noon luncheon, the 100th Anniversary of the Ratification of the 19th Amendment will be celebrated. The program on Highlights of the Suffrage Struggle will be presented by Martha Bein. Colors of the day will be the colors used by the Suffragist Woman’s Party of purple, gold, and white.

A short business meeting will follow with the new 2020-2022 officers presiding. They are president Cindy Gustafson; first vice president Dawn Magana; second vice president Pat Dawson; secretary Peggy Quirin; treasurer Rosemary Hauser; fundraising chair Joanne Lee; will report on the Fall mum plant sale. Environment chair, Linda Wilson will collect items for the Anderson Shelter and Wildlife Center in North Aurora. Items needed include gently-used blankets, towels, and flat sheets. Fitted sheets can’t be used because the elastic is a safety hazard. The shelter can use newspapers shredded to one to two inches.

Woman’s Club of Aurora meets the second Tuesday, September through May, for luncheon, program and meeting. Depending on circumstances, the next regular meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 11 with Brian Failing, curator of the Aurora Regional Fire Museum the speaker. The Make A Difference philanthropy for that meeting will be Hesed House. For questions or more information about the membership of the Woman’s Club, contact Pat, 815-286-0110.

— Woman’s Club of Aurora

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