Women tutors in English needed

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Chicago-area women are needed to help other women learn English reading, writing, and speaking skills at the Dominican Literacy Center in Aurora.

Alison Brzezinski, DLC tutoring coordinator, said free tutor-training sessions will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays, Jan. 12, 2019 and Jan. 26, 2019 at the Center, 260 Vermont Street. Lunch will be included.

No experience is necessary. Classes are conducted in English by Brezinski and Dominican Sisters Kathleen Ryan, OP, DLC director and Jane Ann Beckman, OP.

Call 630-898-4636 or email Alison@dominicanliteracycenter.org for more information.

West Aurora 150 years January 2019
West Aurora High School will celebrate 150 years of excellence at its Red and Blue Ball at 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26, 2019 at Pipers Banquets, 1295 Butterfield Road, Aurora. The evening will include dinner, open bar, and dancing at the black tie optional affair. Tickets are $75.

For more information Call Erica Kegarise at 630.301.5517.
—West Aurora School District 129

West Aurora Cemetery Annual Meeting
The West Aurora Cemetery Board of Trustees will hold its annual meeting at 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 29. Anyone with family members buried at the cemetery, 607 Wilder Street in Aurora, is welcome to attend. Community members who are interested in this historic cemetery are welcome. The cemetery, the oldest in Aurora, is the burial place of many of Aurora’s founders, war veterans, and is listed on the National Historic Register. Contact Maureen Granger, 630-404-7338, for location of the meeting and other details.
—Maureen Granger

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