Yorkville Public Library draws up many youth events in August

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The Yorkville Public Library Youth Service Department will have many events in August. All events will take place at the Library, 902 Game Farm Road, unless otherwise noted. For more information, or to register, call 630-553-4354 or visit www.yorkville.lib.il.us.

• Virtual 3-D Printing

Leah English provides a step by step YouTube tutorial on how to use Tinkercad. Tinkercad is an easy to use 3D CAD design tool, where you can create an object that we can print on our 3D printer. Information is at the Library website’s link to the YPL YouTube channel. Follow the steps to create your own 3D printed piece. Prints cost $0.20 per gram. Please send finished Tinkercad project to jweiss@yorkville.lib.il.us for printing.

• Escape Room Adventure- Weather Wizard

We need you to help release the Wacky Weather Machine from the lock box. That will stop to the Weather Wizard controlling the weather. Contact the Youth Service Department for an appointment time at 630-553-4354 ext 108. This adventure will be available the entire month of August.

• Window Art, Monday, Aug. 2 to Wednesday, Aug. 4 by appointment at YPL

The Library’s window art can be enlivened. Please contact the Youth Service Department for an appointment time at 630-553-4354 ext 108. Space is limited.

• Drop In Story Time (at YPL), Every Friday at 10:30

Every Friday at 10:30 a.m. will be Drop In Story Time in the Children’s area of the library. A volunteer from The Friends of the Library will be our special reader.

• TAG- Teen Advisory Group at the Yorkville Public Library, Tuesdays, August 10 and August 31 at 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m..

This year our TAG members are focusing on Be the Change by giving back to the community. Teens in grades eight through 12 will get together to share ideas about the teen area in the Library and how to provide for Yorkville. They help create and plan programs. This group has opportunities to earn volunteer hours. Great chance to meet new people and have some fun and laughs.

• Facebook Spanish Story Time

Wednesday, Aug. 11 and 25, 10 a.m. on YPL Facebook Page

Join SeñoraKatalina on the Yorkville Public Library Facebook page for Story Time in Spanish. This is recorded for your convenience.

• Tots and Toddlers. Wednesday, Aug. 11 and Tuesday, Aug. 24 at 10:30 a.m..

Join us in the Michelle Pfister Meeting Room for songs, stories, and dancing. Your child will receive a take home craft to complete. Register today and Ms Jennette will see you soon! Face masks are encouraged for anyone who is not vaccinated. Please register for this event on the YPL website under Calendar of Events.

• Illinois Storm Chasers, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m..

Take a ride with Illinois Storm Chasers, diving deep into storm chasing, local climatology and the why behind severe weather. This interactive program will go over common myths, radar analysis, photos and videos from the field to gain a better understanding of our local weather phenomenon. This program will be held in the Michelle Pfister Meeting Room. Please register for this program on the YPL website under Calendar of Events.

• Book Club- 1st and 2nd Grade, Thursday, Aug, 12 and 19, 4 p.m. at the Yorkville Public Library.

In this two session book club, we will read an easy chapter book. Please register for both days on the YPL website. Face masks are encouraged for anyone who is not vaccinated.

• Chalk the Walk, Friday, August 13 at 11 a.m..

Join us for outdoor fun at the library! Ms Jennette will provide sidewalk chalk for children to decorate the sidewalk. Weather permitting.

Please register for this event on the YPL website under Calendar of Events.

• Book Club, third and fifth grade, Monday, Aug. 16 and 30, 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m..

In this two session book club, the participants will receive the book on August 16 to read it at home. Then it will be discussed at the following session on August 30. Please register for both days on the YPL website. * Face masks are encouraged.

• Read In, Tuesday, Aug. 17 (contact the library for an appointment time), grades sixth through 12th

You will be partners with a young reading buddy to read to or with in the library. Choose a 20 minute time slot between 2 p.m. to 4 Tuesday, Aug. 17. You will be matched with a reading buddy, choose some picture books, and read! Contact the library for an appointment time. 630-553-4354 ext 108. Earn service hours and receive a small token of our appreciation.

• Read with Paws, Saturday, Aug. 21, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m..

Children can come to the library, select a book and read to a furry friend. All therapy dogs and handlers have been certified by an accredited organization. This program was designed originally because children feel less pressure to read to a dog than an adult; so it was meant to be a way to help struggling readers or even just encourage reading. It is open to all levels of readers and non-readers. Please register for your 15 minute time slot at the Youth Ref desk. Space is limited. Face masks are encouraged for anyone who is not vaccinated.

Please contact the library at 630-553-4354 ext. 108 for your 15 minute time slot.

• Movie Monday for Kids, Monday, Aug. 23, 1 p.m..

Get out of the heat and relax by watching a free movie with your family. Join us in the large meeting room (Michelle Pfister Room) to watch the movie “Onward”.

Please register the total number of people who will be in attendance on the YPL Calendar of Events page. Face masks are encouraged for anyone who is not vaccinated.

— Yorkville Public Library

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