Yorkville’s Read to Feed challenge fills all of February

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The Yorkville Public Library Youth Service Department will have many events in February. All events will take place at the Library, 902 Game Farm Road, unless otherwise noted. For more information, or to register, call 630-553-4354 or visit www.yorkville.lib.il.us.

Face masks are required regardless of vaccinated status.

2022 Winter Community Read: Read To Feed will be through February 28. The Yorkville Public Library and Friends of the Library are a partner for this Winter’s reading challenge. If the community of Yorkville reaches 50,000 reading minutes between January 3 and February 28, the Friends of the Library will donate $100 to the Kendall County Food Pantry. Simply register for the reading program on the YPL website and record your minutes.

Escape Room Adventure- It’s A Code Code World, Escape Room Adventure!

This Escape Adventure will be available in February. Use the clues to open the box and save everyone’s internet access. Contact the Youth Service Department for an appointment time at 630-553-4354 ext 108.

Window Art, Tuesday, Feb. 1-5 by appointment at YPL

Help us liven up the Library with window art. Please contact the Youth Service Department for an appointment time at 630-553-4354 ext 108. Space is limited.

TAG- Teen Advisory Group at the Yorkville Public Library, Tuesday, Feb. 1 and 15, 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m..

This year our TAG members are focusing on “Be The Change” by giving back to the community. Teens in grades 8-12 get together to share ideas about the teen area in the Library and how to provide for Yorkville. They help create and plan programs. This group has opportunities to earn volunteer hours. Great chance to have some fun and laughs.* Face masks are required.

Preschool Zone, Wednesday, Feb. 2, 10 a.m. or 1:30 p.m..

Choose either time slot and join us for songs, rhymes, and, books. This program is geared toward our preschool kids however open to all young children. Please register for this event on the YPL website under Calendar of Events.

Tots and Toddlers, Thursday, Feb. 3 and Wednesday, Feb 16, 10:30 a.m..

Join us for songs, stories, and dancing. Your child will receive a take home craft to complete. Please register for this event on the YPL website under Calendar of Events. If you are unable to attend after registration, cancel so others can attend.

Drop In Story Time (at YPL), Every Friday at 10:30 a.m..

Join us at YPL every Friday at 10:30 a.m. for Drop In Story Time. This story time is held in the Children’s area of the library. A volunteer from The Friends of the Library is our special reader.

Facebook Spanish Story Time, Wednesday, Feb. 9 and 23, 10 a.m. on the YPL Facebook Page

Join SeñoraKatalina on the Yorkville Public Library Facebook page for Story Time in Spanish. This is recorded for your convenience.

BOOK CLUB- first and second grade, Thursday, Feb. 10 and 17, 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Yorkville Public Library.

In this two session book club, we will read an easy chapter book. Please register for both days on the YPL website.

Book Club, third and fifth grade, Monday, Feb. 14 and 28, 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m..

In this two session book club, the participants will receive the book February 14 to read at home. Then it will be discussed at the following session February 28. Please register for both days on the YPL website.

Literacy Centers, Tuesday, February 15 – Friday, February 18, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., ages 3-6

Stop by any time Tuesday – Friday to experience a parent guided opportunity for hands on literacy instruction. Literacy Centers are designed to give children ample opportunity to practice the very important skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

Read with Paws, Saturday, Feb. 19, 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m..

Please contact the library at 630-553-4354 ext. 108 for your 15 minute time slot.

Children can come to the library, select a book and read to a furry friend. All therapy dogs and handlers have been certified by an accredited organization. This program was designed originally because children feel less pressure to read to a dog than an adult; so it was meant to be a way to help struggling readers or even just encourage reading. It is open to all levels of readers and non-readers. Please register for your 15 minute time slot at the Youth Ref desk. Space is limited.

LEGOs are back at YPL, Tuesday, Feb. 22 – Friday, Feb.25 (in-house, any day/anytime)

Come by the Library anytime during the week and we will provide you a themed container of various LEGOs to use in the library. Using only the bricks provided and your creativity, make your build. Your creation will be added to the LEGO display at the library. Please register on the YPL website.

YA Teen Book Club, Tuesday, Feb. 22, 3 p.m..

Mackenzie will lead the group in a discussion about this month’s book. The book is available for pick up starting February 4 at the Youth Service desk. Registration is required.

Harry Potter Book Club, Thursday, Feb. 24, 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Hey Muggles!

Harry Potter Book Club has arrived. Join Mackenzie each month for a magical discussion on each book in the series. The fourth book, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” can be picked up at the Youth Service Desk starting February 4. The group will read Chapters 21- 37 for February 24. There will be a Harry Potter Party after the completion of the final book.

National Engineers Week: February 20-26, Straw Bridge Competition

We will provide building each registrant a bag of materials and criteria to use to make a strong bridge using straws. These bridges will be judged ability to support the weight of at least 100 pennies at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 26. You can pick up your build kit beginning Friday, Feb. 18. Please register on the YPL website.

QR Code Scavenger Hunt for February

Scan the QR Codes around the library and then solve the simple math problem. The answer will lead you to the next QR Code. Complete all of them for a prize at the Youth Service desk.

Paper Airplane STEM Challenge, Tuesday, Feb. 22

Stop by the library anytime on Tuesday for a Paper Airplane Challenge. Who will go the distance? Choose a piece of paper to make your airplane. Instructions will be available or fold your own design. Then throw your plane, and staff will measure and record the distance.

Rocket Bash Challenge, Wednesday, Feb. 23

The challenge is to land the rocket on the landing pad. You will only have three attempts. Can you adjust the cannon and determine the correct amount of pressure needed to land correctly? Successful missions will be recorded and displayed in the library.

HELP Harry, Thursday, Feb. 24 at 6 p.m..

Challenge: Build a perch for Harry so he can see more easily around the library. You can use any materials in your supply bag, but nothing more. Your goal is to get him as high above your table as possible without putting his safety at risk. This will be a small group activity. Masks are required. Please register on the YPL website.

SPHERO Challenge, Friday, Feb. 25.

Challenge: Move the SPHERO Bolt through the maze. Using the app provided on the iPad, code the Bolt to accurately move through the maze.

Virtual 3-D Printing

Leah English provides a step by step tutorial on how to use Tinkercad. Tinkercad is an easy to use 3D CAD design tool, where you can create an object that we can print on our 3D printer. Check out the library’s website to link to the YPL YouTube channel, follow the steps to create your own 3D printed piece. Prints cost $0.20 per gram. Please send your creations to jweiss@yorkville.lib.il.us.

—Yorkville Public Library

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