You’re an old-timer in Aurora if you remember…

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You’re an old-timer in Aurora if you:

Knew the site of Tivoli Restaurant.

Attempted to score a 300 at the Hi-Way Lanes.

Ordered a hot dog with all the fixin’s at Elmer’s Dog House.

Remembered that K.D. Waldo Middle School was the original East Aurora High School.

Bought a dining room set at Leith’s Furniture Store.

Purchased a baker’s dozen of doughnuts at Buchner’s Bakery.

Were a member of the Athletic Club on Fox Street.

Danced at the disco underneath the Leland Hotel.

Bought your first boom box at Cook’s HiFi.

Knew that Galena Boulevard and Hill Avenue were once designed at Business U.S. Highway 30.

Remembered the original site of St. Rita’s Church

Knew the site of the original Arenkill’s.

Participated in one of the nightly brawls at Joe’s Cantina on Main Street.

Enjoyed the annual Barber-Greene Christmas Party at the factory and the Fourth of July picnic at Phillips Park.

Drove along First Street.

Bought a blue bus transfer.

Remembered when there were water fountains downtown.

Crossed the rickety old bridge on High Street.

Remembered when Randall Road stopped at Oak Street in North Aurora.

Bought a dress at the Three Sisters Store.

Window-shopped for a Cadillac at Pocus Motors.

Patronized the Aurora Dry Goods Store on Broadway.

Danced the night away at Nino’s disco.

Worked at the corset factory on South LaSalle Street.

Remembered when McClure Road crossed the CB&Q tracks.

Knew the original site of Luigi’s Pizza.

Bought a houseplant at Schaefer’s Green House.

Knew the original site of West Side Fish Market.

Chugged one at the West Side Beer Garden.

Lived next to the gulch which ran northwest from Plum Street/Harrison Avenue to Illinois Avenue/Howard Avenue.

Shopped at the Fruit Juice House east of that gulch.

Remembered the original site of the Pink’s Dry-cleaning store.

Drove along Elm Street.

Woke up to the aroma of freshly baked bread at Rainbow Bakery.

Sold some scrap metal at Stegmann’s salvage yard on Third Street.

Bought an appliance at Leonardi’s original location.

Waited for a Greyhound bus on South River Street.

Were employed at the R.M. Kaufman women’s clothing factory.

Knew the original site of Weiland’s Tavern.

Remembered when Marshall Avenue ended in the middle of a vacant lot.

Survived the dead man’s curve at Old Indian Trail and North Elmwood Drive.

Shopped at the Jewel/Osco store on Smith Street.

Banked at Valley National Bank.

Were a patient or a visitor at the St. Charles Hospital.

Were employed at the Aurora Pump Company.

Remembered the original site of Holy Angels Church..

Knew that Northgate Shopping Center was once a grove of trees.

Remembered that Plum Street once intersected with Russell Avenue.

Registered with the Social Security office at the original location on North Lake Street.

Consulted with the IRS office on North Farnsworth Avenue.

Knew the original site of Isleman’s service station.

Had your vehicle towed by an Isleman’s tow truck.

Remembered that there was a gap in Ohio Street between Sheffer Road and East Indian Trail.

Were a student at the West Aurora Junior High School on Blackhawk Street which prior was the site of West Aurora High School.

Knew the original site of the Irish Club.

To be continued (?).

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