Village of Montgomery trustee Denny Lee, president pro-tem, presents awards to Montgomery’s Festival of Tree winners at the Village Board meeting Monday. First place went to Orchard Road Animal Hospital, second place, Fox Metro, and third to Montgomery-Countryside Fire Protection District, not in order in the photo. Jason Crane/The VoiceVillage of Montgomery trustee Denny Lee, president pro-tem, presents awards to Kathleen Taylor and her grandson, Aiden Jaquez, for running half-marathons in all 50 states. Aiden ran his first half marathon (13.1 miles) in Florida at the age of six and set a goal to join the 50 States Half Marathon Club. In October 2019, his last half-marathon was in Iowa at the age of 11. He hopes to have his record certified for the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest person in the world to compete in a half-marathon in all 50 states. His grandmother is a runner and completed a half-marathon in all 50 states with Aiden. Jason Crane/The Voice