Reader’s Commentary: Democrat plot: Unsecure southern border, illegals voting

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By Bela “Bill” Suhayda

Thirty-nine days until election day and I learned there have been more than 400,000 criminal aliens who have entered our country through our southern border. Among these 400,000 criminal illegals, there are more than 15,000 who are convicted rapists and another 13,000 that have been convicted of murder. This is the report I received from the office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). View it on or Google it. I have.

Now look to see who is on record saying they want to abolish ICE? Kamala Harris!

Who wanted to defund police? Kamala Harris! And who started a Go-Fund-Me Account to release looters and arsonists in Minneapolis, Minn.? Kamala Harris!

The candidacy of Kamala Harris should be packed up and thrown into the proverbial dust bin. Joe Biden should be impeached then stand trial if he is found mentally competent to stand trial. What we learned about Biden/Harris is unconscionable. Impeachment of both Biden and Harris is not enough. What they have done is criminal. The border laws of this country have been ignored. So let’s hear from Charles “The Sponge” Coddington and “Wayne’s World” Johnson to explain why Biden and Harris should not be held responsible for their dereliction in enforcing border laws.

The House Committee on Homeland Security chairman Mark E. Green, M.D. (R-Tenn.) released statements corroborating the numbers I have at the top end of this article. And Kamala Harris only recently made her second visit to the border since taking office as vice president.

Harris, an admitted DEI hire by Biden (“I will make my running mate a woman”) was put in charge of our southern border after Biden signed dozens of Executive Orders undoing Donald Trump’s “Stay in Mexico Policy,” stopping the completion of Trump’s border wall and other directives. Biden reversed executive orders Trump put in place to secure our borders. Biden reversed Trump policies put into place to stop flights from nations where terrorists took asylum and where the governments in those countries “looked the other way” when it came to terrorist activity. Biden/Harris have ignored all of our laws that have protected this country from invasion. Impeachment is not enough punishment to get justice for the American people. There have already been many Americans impacted by murder and rape by illegals. And if Biden reversed everything Trump did to secure our border. He could still reinstate those directives. Biden/Harris have the power to close our borders today Yet they don’t do it! Why not?

Answer: Illegals have been brought into our country to vote in the November election. Democrats will cheat to allow illegals to vote. The safety of our people has been compromised all to create a new block of voters to stay in power!

It has been a complicit mainstream media that has allowed all of this to happen. Media has become a part of the Democrat Party. The Joe Biden Administration and the media have blood on their hands. The lies coming from leftist media to protect Democrats is constant and never ending. And this is why all of this has been made possible. Ice Deputy director, Patrick Lechleitner, sent a letter to lawmakers detailing the numbers of criminal aliens on ICE’s National Docket. Those encountered by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) turned over to ICE had their criminal history documented and then were released into the United States.

These are the numbers:

Homicide: 14,944

Sexual assault: 20,061

Assault: 105,146

Burglary, larceny, robbery: 60,268

Kidnapping: 3,372

No one with dignity could possibly vote for Harris!

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