Poem: A Needed Change

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Most everything I used to do is now too tough.
So I’ve been thinking. Yes, I know that’s dangerous stuff,
But what else can I do—I’ve got to do it some…
I sure don’t want you thinking now I’m getting dumb.
So I’ve been thinking. Yes, I used to do that too.
Now don’t get smart—old age is something you’ll go through,
There’s nothing you can do about it either, for
It sure is something you have never had before.
So I’ve been cogitating—why not change my name?
You’re known by your name, right? That’s your claim to fame.
When people hear your name, they know what to expect;
In fact, in many cases, cause them to reflect.
It also is descriptive; this, then, is for you—
The new name I have chosen is—Aye Usedtodo.

© Richard Williams

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