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In what may well be called “passive oblivion”
Too many choose to live their lives in that as one.
They’re much too busy living their own lives to care;
What’s going on around them they don’t care to share.
They abhor politics, they say—for that, care less;
Besides, what can they do? To them it’s just a mess.
If forced to think about it, likely they would cry
That they don’t want to get involved, could care less why!
Oh, yes, they’d vote…for all the good that does, they’d plead.
As law-abiding citizens, they see no need,
Because America’s America, it will
Survive through anything, be stalwart still.
They simply cannot see that we have enemies;
That given opportunity, our freedoms seize.
They cannot grasp that this election will spell out
Just what their future may well be, without a doubt.
They do not understand their votes give them a choice;
That that in a democracy they’re given voice.
This year it must be made clear: NOW since we began,
We’re voting for our Constitution, not a man!

© Richard Williams

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