Poem: About This Murphy’s Law

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I’d like to talk about this Murphy;s Law,
That anything that can go wrong, it will.
Why must it be something that rubs you raw?
Why must it be something that irks you still?

We joke about it all the time, it seems,
But are we really joking? Think of it.
We often want to take it to extremes,
To put the blame on every little bit.

It’s best we keep it light, but hear me out:
If there’s a Murphy’s Law, why should we joke?
It isn’t humorous, without a doubt,
But should we shrug it off like other folk?

The unexpected things that come about,
Most often seemingly with tooth and claw,
Will bring about frustration, angst, and doubt,
Most likely labeling it just “Murphy’s Law!”

© Richard Williams

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