Predictability. Spontaneity.
Both are a parts of our worlds, the fabric of our society. We can be just one strain, or, continually act in the other. Likely the best of each keeps us fresh and in focus at the same time.
The joy of each day is relying on predictability and expecting some spontaneity. Can we juggle each? Is it possible to have a great deal of both?
Staying active helps a person’s perspective. Certainly our communities offer an ability to be active and have variety.
• For example, Mary Ochsenschlager, the Sugar Grove Citizen of the Year this year and so named at the start of the Sugar Grove Corn Boil in the Summer, reliably can be counted on to hold a habitat restoration work day in the Bliss Woods Forest Preserve in Sugar Grove frequently. She will hold an event Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. Participants could find a little spontaneity and predictability in the high-quality woodland area and unusual plants. In order are long pants, long sleeves, and sturdy shoes.
• Even during the Prisco Reopen House for its FoxFitness Center in Aurora there were, predictably, individuals who were working out, left photo, and participating in an exercise class in the dance room.
• Literary festivals: Sugar Grove and Oswego are on the horizon. Sugar Grove will be Saturday, at the Sugar Grove Library (see page 6, Wayne Johnson’s humorous take and promotion. Oswego Library will hold its annual literary festival Sunday, Sept. 30. Click here for more information.
• Active Naperville government and Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce were hosts to ground-breaking for the Naperville Jaycees Park, on the north lawn of the Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle Street. The goal is flexible work space. The Naperville Jaycees are the lead donors.
• The Aurora Historical Society will hold a sidewalk-style sale at its gift shop through Saturday, Oct. 6 of Kennedy family history. Books are $1 each.

Carter Crane/The Voice