Poem: An Oft Repeated Pattern

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“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” The succinct word.
To do it, you must try to do it, is inferred.
It may not be a challenge, or, of course, it may;
Regardless, it takes effort—there’s no other way.
However, in today’s world, with what must be done,
We often wait for someone else to be the one.
Observing this, our egos raised, at least a notch,
And we will say “We did it,” ‘cause we got to watch!
So many daily things we use, but don’t suspect
That it had taken someone’s lifetime to perfect;
But we were born into it, so it is ours;
Oblivious to dedication’s life-long hours.
But all of us have had those moments, like as not,
“Gee, I wonder if…” while picturing the thought.
But talking doesn’t do it, does it? Only feigned.
It all comes back to “Nothing ventured, nothing gained!”

© Richard Williams

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