Ask Grandpa comments included post mortem

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Editor’s Note: This week and next week we will include letters sent to Ask Grandpa that did not appear because they arrived following the death of the conductor of the column who worked ahead in preparation.

We plan to include any reader comments following the notification we received at The Voice of the death of the person who sent more than 500 columns over nearly 10 years. Readers may extol virtues of the column, or not, and may list some of the favorite columns. The public disclosure of the death of the person who was the conductor of the column was in the October 7 issue of The Voice. We at The Voice pledged secrecy of the identity of the author and never received a release. The person died following a short bout with cancer known to us at The Voice. See the October 7 issue.

One submission made important points on society today in four bullet points, which we reproduce below:

• The Funnies aren’t funny any more;

• They seem to promote bias and hatred.

• We have enough of a trend toward violence all ready.

• Haven’t we had enough killings in our world?

Another person’s letter offered thoughts on the following:

Think you touched on this topic previously: Why do seniors need to take road tests? Illinois is only one of a few states requiring it. With long lines and COVID, it would be a savings if seniors could renew online. Or, at least till caught up, two years and no tickets. Most seniors need doctor and grocery trips, no joyriding. If no family or app on a phone, how do we get there? If a person is driving unsafely, let the police handle it. We all get to know when to stop driving!!

Readers: Any thoughts on these comments and on the previous more than 500 Ask Grandpa columns? If so, send immediately to The Voice, P.O. Box 123, Aurora, IL 60507, or, send by E-mail to, for inclusion in this space. In keeping with Ask Grandpa style, no names will be used.

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