Ask Grandpa: Out of prison, he seeks restitution

Ask Grandpa
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Four years ago, I got out of prison. I did 17.5 years for holding up a small neighborhood grocery store. I only got $(XX) dollars from them. I used a handgun and am now so grateful I did not pull the trigger. Nearly 22 years after the crime, I want to repay that store owner for what I took, with interest. For one thing, my recovery depends on making amends. For another, I still recall the fear in that man’s eyes. At the time I got a thrill out of the power I held over him. I have grown up since the hold up. That store is long gone and I have no idea who the owner was or how to apologize and pay him back. Could you publish the details of the crime so that the owner can read it and get in touch with me? This is very important to me. Thank you for your help.
Grandpa says; I had to spend time in prayer to wrestle with your letter. Grandpa is all about restitution and recovery when the motive is right. You sound sincere. In order for your recovery to move forward, and I presuppose that you mean your recovery from a chemical dependence, you need to do all of the leg work involved. Follow these steps diligently. First, contact the advertising department at The Voice. Run a paid ad in the classified section telling what you told me and give a post office box number for a reply. You don’t want kooks knowing your real address or phone number. Run the ad for no less than three weeks. Contact the court clerk in the county in which you were tried. Explain your situation and ask for help contacting the victim. You may want to have an attorney make the contact so as not to be violating any no-contact ruling.
If your efforts fail to bring to you the name of your victim, your next step would be to make restitution by donating time as well as money to organizations such as the local DARE program, groups to end hand gun violence, or the Policemen’s Benevolent Fund. The point is not to give a token to salve your own conscience. You want to make a positive impact that will be far greater than the terror you inflicted upon your victim. If your victim does happen to read this column and wants to respond to you, I would be able to arrange a chaperoned meeting in a public place with a member of law enforcement there for safety reasons. That is to protect both of you. I truly hope you are 100% sincere about your motives to pay this restitution.
Grandpa says; Beloved readers, Spring is here. Children are out of doors playing, learning, and getting physical exercise. They may not be paying attention to traffic. Please keep a watchful eye open to prevent an accidental injury to our children and grandchildren. They are the greatest asset this country has or ever will have. God Bless!
Got something stuck in your craw? Ask Grandpa. Address your letters to Ask Grandpa c/o The Voice, 314 N. Lake Street, Suite 2, Aurora, IL 60506 or send an E-mail to

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