Ask Grandpa: Question: Good time for a wedding

Ask Grandpa
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My guy and I were planning to get married in November. Our daughter is only seven months old. My sister suggested that we wait until (daughter) is old enough to walk so she can be the ring bearer. I like the idea. I want to postpone the wedding until she is at least two years old. My fiancé tells me that it is a cute idea, but he wants to get married as early as possible. We agreed to heed your suggestion. What do you think? Marry in November or wait a year?
Grandpa says; Marriage means sitting together and talking out ideas. How many times Grandma and I used to sit on the porch swing and discuss plans for our future. We were always aware of each other’s hopes and dreams. I wish that upon you and your husband-to-be. Compromise is never a bad thing. Your daughter will be just as cute a ring bearer whether she is 13 months or 25 months old. Get creative! Decorate a stroller to your wedding colors. Use pretty flowers, silk or real, to adorn your daughter’s chariot. Ask one of your friends to stroll her down the isle in November. Have a beautiful wedding!
My mom and dad have promised us a family vacation to Orlando for right after school gets out. Now, after that school shooting, they are saying the trip is off. They don’t want to risk our getting into any such a thing. My brother and I are both old enough to handle ourselves in such a situation. That guy will have been in jail for four months by the time we would be in Orlando. I say it is silly to let his problem affect our vacation. Please tell my parents that it will be safe for us to go to Florida.
Grandpa says; My crystal ball needs a tune up, so I can’t make any promises. I would hazard to guess that you would be most relatively safe. No one ever can say when another person is going to pull a stunt like what you mentioned. On the other hand, if we live our lives in fear of the world, we don’t have much of a life, do we? If I had the opportunity to go on such a trip as you mentioned, I would worry more about sunburn than a shooter. I say go for it.
I just got a letter from the Cook County Health Department saying I have to bring my dog in for rabies testing because it bit a person. I don’t own a dog. Never have. Can I just ignore this letter?
Grandpa says; I wouldn’t. I’d make a photocopy of it. On the back of the copy, write a short letter saying that you have never owned a dog and suggest they have some misinformation. Mail it to the address on the original letter. Keep a copy of both in your files. You have now done what a reasonable and prudent person would to correct the situation. That is all one can do.
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