Ask Grandpa: Without an arrest, not guilty most likely

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Editor’s note: Recently in The Voice, the announcement was made of the death of the conductor of the column, Ask Grandpa, which provided readers with 503 weeks of sage advice, humor, and continuity. Below is the repeat of the September 2, 2021 column. The Voice will continue to offer previous columns. We invite special requests of previous columns.

Illinois needs to take another look at some of its laws. Because of some laws hastily passed without looking at the ramifications, I am spending a fortune on legal defense for something I never did.

I was an only child of eight years when my father died. I inherited a tidy sum that was untouchable until I turned 18. After Dad passed, Mom married a man who had two daughters. I never liked my step-sisters. They were much younger and very spoiled. Mom died when I was (not yet 18.) I think dealing with two rotten step daughters had a lot to do with her passing at such a young age. I went to live with my dad’s parents and never looked back.

Fast forward 50 plus years. I never again saw either of my step sisters nor any of their family. My inheritance from my dad put me through college and I have been frugal with my income. I am ready to retire comfortably. Illinois has taken away the statute of limitations on alleged sex offences. One of my two step sisters is now suing me through a shyster lawyer claiming that I molested her son when he was a child. I never met the kid. I never met anyone in her family. But I cannot prove that in court. My attorney gave me the option of settling out of court because it could be cheaper than the attorney fees. I won’t do it. It is just a money grab. I would rather pay the attorney. I don’t really need any advice other than what I get from my attorney. I know you follow and report scams. I thought you might like to hear about this one.

Grandpa says: If you have never been arrested for the crime, you have a better chance of winning your case. Your former relative has the burden of proof in a criminal case but a civil case is on the preponderance of the evidence. My advice is to keep your chin up, listen to your attorney, and never give up. When all is said and done, forgive the money grabbing woman. Forgive for your sake, not hers. Do not seek revenge. Oprah Winfree said that the only people with whom we should try to get even are those who have helped us. Thank you for sharing your story.

I just received a call from a woman, who didn’t say what company she was from, just had a question to ask. Did I believe that our Veterans needed more support? Press 1 for Yes, 2 for No. Excuse me? I hung up, of course, but others my age would probably push 1, and God knows what they said Yes to.

Grandpa says: When I got your letter, I contacted investigators I know in the office of the attorney general. Had you pressed any number, you would have given the caller access to all of the information in your phone. For people who keep lots of personal and/or financial information on their smart phones that is a disaster. Just hang up!

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