Aurora Navy League Council 247 theme: Pearl Harbor

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The Aurora Navy League Council 247 will hold its Tuesday July 19 dinner meeting at the private room of the Riverview Diner, IL-25 and Mill Street, Montgomery.

A reception will begin promptly at 5 p.m. followed by a meeting at 5:30 p.m. with dinner afterward. The cost is $25 all-inclusive if an entree is ordered, or $20 for the dinner salad featured that evening. Free entry without food. The meeting will conclude no later than 8 p.m..

The after-dinner speaker will be Mr. Chris Gaines, secretary and acting treasurer of the 786 Club based at the Union League Club of Chicago. He will be assisted by Mr. John Shaw. They will show a captivating slide show of the 786 Club’s recent visit to Pearl Harbor to salute and thank the U.S. Submarine Force and their families for their many sacrifices.

You do not need to be a member of the Navy League, or have a reservation, to attend the in-person meeting. The general public is welcome.

The presentation will include most interesting videos of Pearl Harbor, with the Arizona Memorial and USS MISSOURI (BB-63) where the Japanese surrender took place in Tokyo Bay. You will see the USS ILLINOIS (SSN-786) returning from sea after being away for 10 of the last 12 months, with their children screaming in delight to have them back. The presentation will include the dinner dance at the Old Historic Officers Club at Hickam AFB, a luau for the crew and spouses of the USS ILLINOIS, and a family picnic at beautiful Fosters Point, the entry to Pearl Harbor at Hickam AFB.

This presentation will be enjoyable. Chris Gaines, a submarine veteran, was a reactor operator on the USS Von Steuben (SSBN-632) in the 1970s, a missile submarine that was critical in winning the Cold War. John Shaw took all the photographs and videos that you will see at the dinner meeting.

The Aurora Council is having a membership drive, and will pay half of the first year’s dues for new members. It is an excellent opportunity to attend an interesting event, and first-time visitors can determine whether they would like to join permanently.

— Aurora Navy League Council 247

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