Aurora Public Library finds ways to connect with digital content

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The Aurora Public Library (APL) is closed, but we want everyone to stay connected. Here is what is new with Aurora Public Library:

In response to governor JB Pritzker’s stay-at-home order, the Library will remain closed until further notice. We will re-open on a date to be determined upon the stay-at-home order being lifted and we will adjust our plan when the situation develops.

Programs and events are canceled through April 30. What about the materials you need to return, you might ask? No need to return items until further notice. We ask that you keep all materials and take the opportunity to watch that movie a second time, re-read the book with a different perspective and overall enjoy it once more. We automatically will renew all items; no fines will be charged at this time. A friendly reminder: Please do not leave materials in book drops: We’re asking our staff members to stay at home as much as possible.

There are several ways to use the Library from home. We recognize the need for our customers to access digital content right now and we are working hard to bring you materials that you want and need during this time. The Library may be closed, but our digital collection is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our platforms include Hoopla, Libby, RBDigital, and Freegal.

With Hoopla, you can read eBooks and Comics, listen to eAudiobooks, watch movies and more! There’s a 10-item checkout per month. On Libby, browse eBook and eAudiobooks, including the famous Duke Classics with a limit download of 10 items. Looking for something more casual? Browse through our eMagazine collection by way of RBDigital from Taste at Home magazine to National Geographic for Kids magazine. RBDigital allows a checkout of up to 26 eAudiobooks and unlimited magazines. Last, but certainly not least, there’s Freegal with up to three hours of music per day.

Looking for help as your children make a transition to E-learning? Visit our website for a running list of resources available in Spanish and English for children and teens. Resources include Brainfuse, which offers a comprehensive suite of eLearning tools, including live tutoring, expert writing assistance, collaborative learning, targeted skills building, test prep, and self-study options; and Tumblebooks, which offers animated talking picture books, read-alongs, ebooks, quizzes, lesson plans, and educational games.

Need additional assistance? We are here to help! Text “AskAPL” to 66746, leave us a voicemail at 630-164-4117, send us a direct message by way of our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter) or complete our contact form at Our staff members are monitoring these channels seven days a week.

For updates, follow us on social media @APLibrary, visit, or stay up to date with our articles each week.

Stay safe and don’t forget: Wash your hands!

Miriam Meza-Gotto is communications manager for Aurora Public Library.

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