Bibles to transgender women to slaves in focus

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Many so-called “Christians” have a strange idea of what Christianity is all about. They cherry-pick verses in their bibles and often take them out of context in order to back up these strange ideas. Some “Christians” don’t have bibles at all, and so they depend on others for their understanding.

To listen to these pseudo-Christians, one would not believe they are what they say they are. Have they not read the following? “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” “Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you.” Oh, and how about those “Ten Commandments” (there are actually 13), especially the fifth, the seventh, and the eighth.

Aurora’s Great Godless Guru has a bible, the King James version, of course, and he consults it occasionally in order to discern what the devil (excuse the pun) the pseudos are talking about. He has to conclude that they have created their own “bible” and follow it unscrupulously in order to make their point.

We have been reading a lot about transgender women competing against biological women in women’s sports. In The Chas’ estimation, the criticism is a valid one; the trans-woman still retains some of their former male musculature after surgery and thus gives them an unfair advantage. On the other hand, we don’t hear much about trans-men competing against biological men in men’s sports. Because a trans-man still retains some of their former female musculature, they are at a disadvantage and seldom gain the glory from the competition.

The Chas suggests that transgender athletes compete against each other in the same manner that disabled athletes compete against each other in the Paralympics. This way, no one will have any biological advantage/disadvantage; they’ll all be on a level playing field. And perhaps we’ll witness less hair-tearing from “know-nothings,” both inside and outside of Congress.

A recent news item has reported that Donald J. Trump is the only living ex-president whose ancestors never owned slaves. T. Rump’s ancestors migrated to America after 1867 when slavery was abolished, and so they missed out on owning slaves. On the other hand, T. Rump is the only living ex-president who does own slaves: 70 million of them, to be (more or less) exact. These slaves worship the ground he walks on, believe every word he says, and line up to kiss his backside whenever he presents it to them. T. Rump’s slaves are easily identified by the red caps they wear and the half dozen AR-15’s they carry everywhere. Oh, and their squinty, little, eyes.

Speaking of T. Rump (and why do we have to?), now comes one of his slaves who consumes a great deal of newsprint in this publication. This slave recently moaned and groaned about how his master has been mistreated over the classified-documents brouhaha.

We know that president Joe Biden had documents in his possession. He said (essentially), “Oops! My bad. I’d forgotten I had them. I’ll give them back.”

We know that former vice-president Mike Pence had documents in his possession. He said (essentially), “Oops! My bad. I’ll give them back.”

We know that former president, T. Rump, had documents in his possession (lots and lots of them). But did he say (essentially), “Oops! My bad. I’ll give them back”? No-o-o-o. He said those documents belonged to him, because he was The President. He said the Presidential Records Act didn’t apply to him because he was no longer The President. Hence the raids on Mar-a-Lago, evidently the center of the Universe.

Ye olde slave has played a discordant melody. He needs to re-tune his instrument so that he can play a lovely melody.

Just a thought.

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