Three of the Aurora Kiwanis Club Pancake Day cooks at the griddle: From left, Bob Bridgman, past president, Christina Campos, resident-elect, and Robyn Beebee.John Ross photoBoy Scout Wyatt Kraskienicz serves coffee at Aurora Kiwanis Club’s 107th annual pancake breakfast fundraiser Saturday, March 18, at Aurora Central Catholic High School in Aurora. Kraskienicz, of Montgomery, is an East Aurora High School student and member of BSA Three Fires Council Troop 26 based at Plum Landing retirement community in Aurora. Kiwanians served 681 guests. Volunteers included Aurora University students and local Boy Scouts. Al Benson/The VoiceA family of three enjoys the Aurora Kiwanis Club breakfast Saturday, March 18 at Aurora Central Catholic High School.John Ross photo