Category: Community

O’Brien, CEO of new Aurora Regional Economic Alliance

I recently had lunch with Kelly O’Brien, who is the president and CEO of the recently-formed Aurora Regional Economic Alliance and Alliance Foundation. Since the Alliance is fresh and new, I wanted to meet with O’Brien, who comes with more than two decades of economic development experience. Through conversation, we...

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Saint Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church celebrates 60 years

By Penny Panayiota Deligiannis In June 1964, several Aurora Hellenes met with Bishop Meletios of Chicago representing the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America to consider the facts. The requirements to establish the first Greek Orthodox Church in Aurora were met and approved by the Bishop, Illinois Secretary...

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Eating pie for Pi(e) Day; at Wesley United Methodist

“Let them eat pie,” a modern twist on a French Revolution quote, was the theme after a 10:30 a.m. worship service, at Wesley United Methodist Church, Sunday, March 16. Congregants celebrated Pi Day by sampling 12 varieties of pie during a pie potluck. Lead pastor Reverend Tammy Scott said congregants...

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Aurora Lions Club serves lunch at Hesed House

Celebrating its “We Serve” motto, Aurora Lions Club members prepared and served lunch at Hesed House homeless shelter in Aurora Thursday, March 13. The menu featured sloppy joe sandwiches and sides. Lions volunteers were Dick Schindel, Joe Beary, Tom Muth, Gary Reis, Archie Vargas, and Susan Koepke. Aurora Lions offer...

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Pi Day to be celebrated at Wesley, March 14

Wesley United Methodist Church, 14 N. May Street in Aurora, will celebrate Pi Day Sunday, March 16, with a pie potluck event at approximately 11:45 a.m., following 10:30 a.m. worship in the Gathering Place room. Pi, is commonly rounded to 3.14, making March 14 the usual day to celebrate the...

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Yorkville chapel, accessibility

Historic Chapel on the Green,107 W. Center Street in Yorkville, has improved the facility’s accessibility. Thanks to an $18,500 grant from the Aurora-based Community-Foundation of the Fox River Valley, the Chapel has installed handicapped accessible stair glide units. The units enable persons with mobility needs to more easily access the...

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Forest Preserve District of Kane celebrates 100 years

The Forest Preserve District of Kane County is excited to celebrate its first 100 years of public land conservation and invites everyone to help celebrate as we embark on our next century of conservation in Kane County. On June 8, the Forest Preserve District will celebrate this monumental milestone with...

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Diabetes Club of Fox Valley members to meet March 12

By Russ George Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley will hold their March membership meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 12, at Oak Street Restaurant, 945 Oak Street, in North Aurora. Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. in the East Banquet Room. Dinner is optional on members’ own...

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Scavenger hunt March 8-April 6

The Batavia MainStreet Share the Hype Scavenger Hunt is a fun and interactive promotion designed to get the community out and exploring downtown Batavia March 8 through April 6. Participants can join the hunt by downloading a game card and find foam fingers placed in downtown businesses, or, players take...

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Aurora Lions’ bowling fundraiser sets record

Aurora Lions Club celebrated a record turnout for its annual bowling fundraiser Sunday afternoon, March 2. Officials reported more than 80 bowlers participated in “Rolling for a Cause,” Aurora Lions’ second annual bowling event which returned to Parkside Lanes in Aurora. In addition to bowling and a pizza buffet with...

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Adult Fellowship members from St. Mark’s Lutheran Church tour Bardwell Residences

Thirty-five Adult Fellowship members from St. Mark's Lutheran Church pose for a photo in the recently renovated Bardwell Residences in Aurora, which was formerly Copley Hospital.

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Forty Cub Scout Pinewood Derby cars compete in Aurora

Cub Scouts who built 40 small, driverless, wooden race cars gathered in Aurora Sunday afternoon to compete on an indoor racetrack. Cub Scout Pack 326 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Aurora held its second annual Pinewood Derby Sunday afternoon in the church school’s gym. The family event attracted Scouts, relatives,...

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Aurora City Council hears appreciation for late activist

By Jason Crane The Aurora City Council heard from several members of the community at the Tuesday, Feb. 25 City Council meeting. The speakers shared comments about the late Marjorie (Margie) Logman, a community activist who spoke truth to power, and frequent contributor to The Voice. Logman, who died recently,...

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Diabetes Club of Fox Valley members to hear from Anodyne of Aurora, common warning signs and symptoms of diabetes

By Russ George Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley work together, to bring about an awareness of diabetes, and the dangers of uncontrolled blood sugar (glucose). What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a problem with your body that causes blood glucose levels to rise higher than normal, called hyperglycemia....

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‘Supporting challenged individuals’: AID CEO profiles org.

During a talk Thursday, Feb. 20, Association for Individual Development CEO/president Lore Baker told Aurora Lions Club members how the nonprofit serves challenged persons. Baker was guest speaker at a Lions’ luncheon at Paulie’s Pub in Aurora. According to Baker, Aurora-based AID offers tailored, consumer-focused programs and services designed to...

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Batavia Lions Club to collect used eyeglasses, hearing aids

If the cold weather has you cleaning closets, drawers and more, the Batavia Lions Club reminds you to look out for old eyeglasses and hearing aids and donate them. The local Batavia Lions Club recently held an eyeglass sorting event Saturday, Feb. 15. During the event they processed 1,066 pairs...

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