Category: Health

Seeking to beat death can be futile in denying the obvious

Scott was 85 years old when he died. He was recently diagnosed with cancer and began treatment. His health rapidly declined and he was removed from life support and allowed to die, about 60 days after diagnosis. Many factors surrounded Scott’s death, but one has my attention: The fact that...

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Kwame Raoul Capitol News Illinois file photo by Lindsey Salvatelli

Kwame Raoul COVID-19 positive

By Jerry Nowicki Attorney general Kwame Raoul has tested positive for COVID-19, his office announced in a news release Tuesday. “After experiencing minor symptoms over the weekend, I consulted with my health care provider using telehealth services. Upon the advice of my doctor, I was tested yesterday and informed today...

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COVID-19 performed an unintentional favor for the U.S.

All of America is anxious to get back to the way things were before the pandemic struck. Alas! we can’t go back. We mustn’t go back, because the way things were created the failures which the coronavirus (COVID-19) rudely exposed. Strange as it may seem, the virus did us an...

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Montgomery Fest canceled

After much consideration and discussion, the Village government of Montgomery has made the difficult decision to cancel its 2020 Montgomery Fest. The Village has spent the last two months reviewing guidance from the state government of Illinois, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), and other sources and determined...

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Slow to take action may have critical consequences

Australia. Germany. New Zealand. South Korea. Sweden. Taiwan. These are some of the countries which have gained a handle on the COVID-19 pandemic and are cautiously re-opening businesses, recreational venues, and government buildings. How did they do it? Their leaders recognized the seriousness of the virus early on and took...

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Arguments over Kane County COVID-19 deaths

By Judy Kanel I was honored to be present at the Kane County Board meeting Tuesday, May 12. The resolution that piqued my interest was the same topic that is being discussed and possibly voted on in regard to Res: #120-175. After a well-thought out presentation from Rich Nagel, editor...

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Position explained in choosing care on COVID-19

The following column is my position today: “I am very careful, and hopefully humble in knowing that I don’t know everything about this disease,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, May 13, during a virtual U.S. Senate hearing. After more than 50 years in the health field, a pharmacy degree, and two...

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Friday marks the end of Illinois’ stay-at-home order

By Rebecca Anzel Governor JB Pritzker announced Friday, the first day Illinois’ economy operated under more relaxed restrictions, his stay-at-home order is replaced by one reflective of “our new, more open reality.” Small businesses statewide opened their doors to customers, with capacity limitations. Restaurants and bars served socially-distanced diners outside,...

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State COVID-19 deaths drop slightly in a week

By Ben Orner For the first time since Illinois had its first reported case of COVID-19 in January, the State saw fewer deaths in a week than in the previous week. Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said Tuesday that 780 individuals died from the...

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Lavender reduces infection, ailments; offers calm

Netherfield, producers of 100% pure New Zealand Lavender Essential oil, wrote: “One of the earliest recorded claims of Lavender oil’s therapeutic qualities comes from the 19th Century when tuberculosis and infection were rampant in France. It was found that those individuals working in the lavender fields of Provence were far...

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Cynthia Gamboa-Morales and Jose Gamboa prepare food to be delivered to seniors. Submitted photo

School districts distribute food

By Judd Lofchie During the COVID-19, our school districts and government have stepped up! The Federal government increased the reimbursement rate to help schools keep feeding students. The West Aurora School District has distributed more than 308,000 meals since the outbreak started. They distribute breakfast and lunches Monday through Friday...

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Naperville Park District seeks safety

The Naperville Park District is taking a proactive stance to keep our program participants and facility guests healthy and safe during the COVID-19 crisis. We are currently operating and will continue to operate within the applicable parameters of the governor’s executive order so that we can fulfill our mission to...

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On considering what we have learned in The Big Disruption

Because I live in a small out-of-the way county in the State that has had one reported case of COVID-19, a second recently rumored, I have been hesitant to write about The Big Disruption in our lives. I am obviously not sharing the valiant struggles of nurses and their associates,...

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Fighting COVID-19 includes riot gear, gas masks, drones

By John W. Whitehead No one is safe. No one is immune. No one gets spared the anguish, fear, and heartache of living under the shadow of an authoritarian police state. That’s the message being broadcast 24/7 with every new piece of government propaganda, every new law that criminalizes otherwise...

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The number of COVID-19 tests and the number of positive results daily in Illinois from March 10 to May 19. Data from the Illinois Department of Public Health. Credit: Jerry Nowicki of Capitol News Illinois

State on track for next phase

By Rebecca Anzel All of Illinois is “on track” to move into the next phase of governor JB Pritzker’s plan to reopen the state safely, he said Tuesday during his daily update teleconference in Chicago. The current phase of the plan allows residents to visit golf courses and State parks,...

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Free face masks in Aurora

Mike Martinez, president of Boys II Men mentoring group, provides free masks to a driver Saturday at the Aurora Transportation Center in part of the Aurora City government's free distribution which provided 16,750 face masks to occupants of 2,412 cars which filled the parking lot. Dr. Willie Wilson of Chicago donated 100,000 face masks for the drive-thru.

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Evidence thin relative to origin of COVID-19 in China

Disclaimer: This essay contains information gleaned from the website of the Organic Consumers Association ( Dr. Anthony Fauci, a face and voice of Donald Trump Administration’s war on the coronavirus, (COVID-19) is in a state of denial. He, and the medical establishment, have refuted the theory that the virus was...

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Difficult decisions made by governors saved many lives

By David E. Mertz, P. E. The country is facing the crisis of this generation, two if you consider climate change. Three months ago decisive action was needed to blunt the impact of COVID-19. In years past, timely decisions would have been made by the president based on the best...

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Kane County Circuit Clerk Protective Mask Giveaway Saturday, May 16

Thomas M. Hartwell, Kane County Circuit clerk along with other political and community leaders are planning to distribute more than 4,000 protective face masks and care packages to those in need this weekend. The free care packages will be available from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 16 at the...

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COVID-19 serious; suspicious reports

May 5, 2020Dear editor; Are we being lied to by some individuals in the media? Such as newspapers in New York City? I saw a picture from The New York Times, the same picture taken seven years ago of all the caskets in Italy from the virus sweeping the world,...

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