Chaos left the White House

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February 8, 2021
Dear editor;

We need COVID-19 relief now and with democracy returned to the White House we’re going to get it. President Joe Biden ran on and is pursuing a $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief bill as rapidly as he can make it happen. A compromise from the other side was a measly third of what Joe was proposing.

The other side said we can’t afford to add that debt to help America fight COVID, get back to work, and get our children back in school. How quickly they forgot about Donald Trump’s tax breaks for the rich that hiked the deficit by Trillions of dollars with a promise of infrastructure work that never happened.

Supposedly these tax breaks to the rich trickle down to us. We’ve been hearing that since the 1980s when president Ronald Reagan said that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

The majority of Americans has spoken and now we do have leaders in government who are here to help. Growing up I learned that the absence of government was chaos. Chaos has left the White House. Democracy and common sense are back in charge.

Judy Siedlecki, Oswego

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