Church, Pantry, serve families with annual drive-through

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A drive-through pantry at a Naperville church Saturday, Aug. 13 served 383 families, including 951 children.

Youth at Calvary Church in Naperville wash the car during the second annual drive-through pantry Saturday, Aug. 13 at the Church. Al Benson/The Voice

Calvary Church, 9S200 S. Route 59, was host to the second annual event from noon to 2 p.m. in collaboration with Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry in Aurora.

Rebecca Dunnigan, Interfaith outreach and special programs coordinator, said volunteers handed out bags of food, 750 backpacks filled with school supplies, and bags of extra supplies.

In addition to school supplies, the pantry gave away 1,000 snack bags containing microwave meals, Goldfish crackers, cereal cups, and fruit cups.

Drivers line up for the second annual drive-through pantry Saturday, Aug. 13 at Calvary Church in Naperville. In addition to groceries, 750 backpacks filled with school supplies and 1,000 pairs of socks were distributed. The Church and Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry in Aurora were partners in the event. Al Benson/The Voice

Bags of groceries distributed include macaroni and cheese boxes, cereal, fruit cups, peanut butter, jelly and snack cakes.

Aurora Ward 8 alderwoman Patty Smith provided 1,000 pairs of socks.

In conjunction with the giveaways, Calvary youth held a free car wash. Donations were accepted.

The public was invited. Admission was free. Registration or identification was not required.

—Al Benson

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