Concerns of candidates and socialism

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February 9, 2020
Dear editor;

Don’t you just love the double standard by the Democrats? If it had been Donald Trump’s son kicked out of military service for cocaine, there would have been headlines three inches high reporting that Trump got his kid got a job paying $87,000 per month for doing nothing!

I am referring to Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, former vice president of the U.S. and a Democratic Party candidate for president. Hunter admitted to making $50,000 and said he was worth it! Hunter Biden didn’t even show up! I’m sure someone in the Democratic House, knew about Biden’s shifty little ploy. How come no one said anything?

There are individuals who work their tails off all year and don’t come close to $50,000 per year!

Do we really want someone of Biden’s ilk anywhere near the Oval Office?

As I’ve said before, I pray every night that all these crooked politicians will be shown up, and thrown out!

When Donald Trump said he was going to clean up the swamp that Washington, D.C. has become, I’m sure he didn’t realize he would be up to his neck in alligators, crocodiles, and poisonous snakes.

If the press would just give Trump a helping hand with some good investigative reporters it would make it easier to complete that job.

That ego-maniac, nutty nasty, Nancy Pelosi made sure the camera was on her when she ripped up her copy of a great speech, in my opinion.

I was once given an idea of socialism. Say, this guy is driving a bus. Individuals start getting on this bus, but no one has to pay!

The bus picks up more, takes them to places to eat, to the doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and they get what they want, but no one has to pay. The bus driver watches all this, and decides he wants some of this free stuff too, so he goes and takes a seat in the bus too. Guess what? No driver! Because he wasn’t getting paid, the individuals donating food for all these individuals who could work, but aren’t, stop donating, because they’re running out of money.

The doctors quit being doctors because they aren’t getting paid and they have families. The hospitals close down because they run out of money. Nobody is paying for services, so they can’t pay the nurses. Pharmacies run out of medicine, because the drug companies won’t give them any medicines without getting paid.

I wish the candidates running for president who say every one will get all this stuff free, would tell us all where the money is which will be used to pay for all these free things?

What say you, Bloomberg, Bernie?

Evelyn Essling, Aurora

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