First of two parts
Coronavirus: How Dangerous is it?
Hint: Don’t trust the big media
Want to Know Info by Fred Burks for PEERS (Public Education and Empowerment Resources Service) and former White House interpreter and whistleblower has submitted the following article:
“Fear-filled news makes money for corporate sponsors of the media, and the more fear generated, the greater the profits.
“Dear friends,
“Coronavirus: Dangerous?
“Did you know that according the the most recent update (January 18) of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), ‘so far this season there have been at least 15 Million flu illnesses, 140,000 hospitalizations, and 8,200 deaths from flu.’ See Key Points on this CDC webpage to verify this statement.
“And on this CDC webpage reporting U.S. annual statistics, ‘influenza has resulted in between 9 Million – 45 Million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.’ This CDC webpage further states, ‘between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza-related respiratory illnesses each year.’
“That’s roughly 100 deaths every day in the U.S. and over 1,000 every day worldwide from the flu. Since it first began spreading over a month ago, the Coronavirus has taken a couple hundred lives in China. More than that many die in a single day there from the regular flu. So why is the Coronavirus drawing such huge attention worldwide? How dangerous really is this new virus?
“Most people are well aware that the media makes money through publicizing tragedies and focusing on bad news. Fear sells: ‘If it bleeds, it leads.’ Fear-filled news makes money for corporate sponsors of the media, and the more fear generated, the greater the profits. So when a new virus results in any significant number of deaths, it’s only natural that major media around the world hype it up with fear-mongering. Look how much attention this new virus has already drawn. How much has the media gotten you focused on this new development?
“Governments have contributed to spreading fear. An article in the U.K.’s Guardian spells out how government officials promulgated fear-filled pronouncements at the time of the swine flu. The U.K.’s chief medical officer stated on BBC that ‘65,000 could die’ in Britain, peaking at 350 corpses a day. Yet once the flu had run its course, the article continues, a total of only ‘360 people have died under its influence, most with prior ‘non-flu’ conditions.’ That’s a small fraction of what this official had predicted and amounts to only a few days of the number of deaths from the regular flu.
“Another glaring example can be found in this eye-opening 2009 CBS article that states, ‘If you’ve been diagnosed ‘probable’ or ‘presumed’ 2009 H1N1 or ‘swine flu’ in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: Odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu. In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all.’ The article goes on to show how the U.S. government’s CDC blatantly manipulated numbers to induce fear.
“With the current heightened level of fear, many in China who experience even mild symptoms of the flu are deeply concerned that they might have the Coronavirus. So they immediately go to the hospital only to find it is jammed packed with others who have flu-like symptoms, when, even if they do have a virus, the vast majority of these people have only a common version of the flu. The overwhelm in the hospitals then gets spotlighted by the media, further exacerbating the level of fear, even though the hospital overwhelm has little relation to the relatively few numbers who actually have Coronavirus. So panic reigns even when the real threat is much less than feared.
“Why has China locked down the entire city of Wuhan (population 11 Million) and it’s surrounding areas? Consider that with it’s one-party system, China is one of the most controlled and surveilled countries in the world. Chinese citizens are not allowed to (gain) access (to) facebook and thousands of other websites which might ‘contaminate the thoughts’ of their people. Could it be that China is using this virus as a huge social experiment in crowd control? Is this an effort to see how much control China’s communist party can generate through all the fear-mongering?
Continued at thevoice.us/huge-profits-reaped-from-fear-filled-news-on-coronavirus