Disney-DeSantis war embellished by CRT influence

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One of the most utterly stupid events in a long line of utterly stupid events perpetrated by the GOP (unfortunately for them) took place in Florida, where Donald Trump wanna-be Ron “I’ll Cancel It If I Don’t Like It” DeSantis rejected math books for school children because they contained elements of Critical Race Theory (CRT). In case you missed it in my last column or want to check it out yourself, according to Oxford and Merriam-Webster, the definition of CRT is: “…aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues; alert to injustice in society, especially racism.” What could be more damaging to the United States than to have its citizens focus on doggy-doo such as that? We lived for a couple hundred years without having to read or learn anything about injustice and how white folks really treated the slaves in spite of what Uncle Remus said, or how they treated our indigenous people (read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee for one example), so why stir things up now? It will only make the whites feel guilty or ashamed of their past. Let’s keep our kids in their Santa Claus fantasy world, so one day they can be shocked when they find out Mom and Dad were keeping the reality of Santa from them. Mom, Dad…you were hiding the truth from me all along?

Ronny DeCancel has also declared war on Disney and its famous rodent stemming from Florida’s nonsensical “Don’t Say Gay” law. I’m not saying Disney doesn’t have its own problems, but they do employ a lot of people from different races, cultures and backgrounds. It appears this “war”is just a big political publicity stunt for DeSantis and soon will backfire when the Florida citizenry realizes it will have to make up for the millions in lost tax revenue the state’s been getting from Disney for the last 50 years. Here’s something to think about, Ron, while you’re busy trying to dig the bullet out of your foot: Mickey, Minnie and all their Disney friends were around long before you were and surely will be around long after you’re gone. It is the case of a mouse with an AK-47 fighting against a rubber knife. If by some miracle DeSantis should prevail, he’s going after Sea World and its homosexual whales next.

I’d once considered moving to Florida, but something weird is in the drinking water down there with people such as DeSantis and cretin frat boy Matt Gaetz being voted into office. I figured Florida will become the American version of Atlantis in a few years, so why bother to move.I can’t afford a lot of scuba gear, anyway.

• Kevin McCarthy was caught in an election-related lie with actual recordings between him and Liz Chaney as evidence. I’m sure there’ll be gaslighting (Oxford again: “Manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.”) going on with McCarthy claiming it’s all a left wing set up, he never said that. Is it any wonder why the public’s approval rating for politicians is way down past the porcelain receptacle and into the septic tank? A lot of politicians flip any way the wind blows because many, such as McCarthy, have zero integrity or scruples to guide them.

Speaking of zero integrity and scruples, we have Marjorie Taylor Greene saying under oath she can’t recall her TV appearances, can’t recall E-mail, can’t recall conversations, can’t recall her speeches, can’t recall her phone calls, relative to January 6, 2021. She can’t even recall that by saying she can’t recall she’s committing perjury, because it’s obvious even to the most casual observer that she’s lying and there are actual videos to prove it. Remember how she made fun of old guy Biden’s fractured memory?

Weren’t those lovely pictures of Matthew Cawthorn wearing women’s underwear? I heard he’s been offered a contract by Victoria’s Secret.

• I wonder what our previous decent and principled GOP leaders would think about their party today? Individuals such as Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Rin Tin Tin, Barry Goldwater, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, Soupy Sales and others. These were Americans you could respect even if you didn’t agree with them because you knew they had the welfare of the country at heart (Rin Tin Tin? Really?). QAnon conspiracies have morphed into the mainstream political platform of the GOP, where today’s so-called party leaders have their own self-enrichment at the top of their lists. On the other side, the Dems have a guy such as Joe Manchin, who makes millions from the coal industry, voting against anything to improve the environment and air quality because it cuts into his bottom line.

Finally, on the January 6, 2021 debacle, I read about a visitor from Alabama who brought a truck full of weapons, ammo, and Molotov cocktails to the Capitol that day and was sentenced to four years in prison. Fortunately, he was just one of the friendly tourists. Can you imagine the sentence he would have received if was actually in D.C. to do something nasty?

Not wishing to end on a somber note, imagine if you will Ted Cruz drooling over an 8×10 glossy of Underwear Model Matthew Cawthorn tacked up on the inside of a cabinet door somewhere in his office. That makes my day.

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