DuPage feedback: Precinct map

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The DuPage County Board has developed new proposed precinct maps and is asking for residents to provide feedback.

Members of the public can provide feedback online at proposedprecincts-dupage.hub.arcgis.com where they will be able to see the proposed maps. The County will have physical maps on display from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from April 17 to May 5 in the JTK Administration Building Atrium, on the first floor of the building. Comment cards will be available near the maps along with a submission box.

“Resident feedback is always an important part of our County decision-making processes, and providing this opportunity increases transparency and improves the public’s trust in government operations,” said Finance Committee chair Liz Chaplin.

The full County Board will discuss public feedback at its May 9 meeting and will vote on the proposed maps in June.

— DuPage County Board

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