Each of us is special; election day truly important

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We have special days, weeks, months, to offer salutes of special segments of our society. Ultimately, we have segments of society and we have a whole society made up of segments. The parts are never greater than the whole. We move forward as a whole.

February was Black History Month.

March is Women’s Month.

If we were to look it up, there is more than one special day every day of the year.

Psychologists tell us we are all better off if each one of us has at least a degree of feeling special, at some point, as a commonality, and more often than once. Nonetheless, we are better off as individuals if we see others as special with a sense of uniqueness.

A salute to blacks, to women, to each ethnicity, to each gender, to each culture. Respect. Understanding. Confidence. Advancement. It is simplistic to gauge by color, white, brown, black, yellow, red…. Genetically we are a greater mix, by far, than a purity. We must learn who we are and understand and respect other persons in all ranges. Try joy!

Notes, because there are more items than space:

• Tuesday, Feb. 28 was primary election day in most communities in Illinois. Actually, it is a day for partisans to make their choices. The important day for many of us, most of us, is Election Day, April 4, for everyone to vote for political representatives. It is important we have a voice in our representation. If we do not vote in a primary and we do not suffer immediate consequences, it may become too easy to skip the general elections and forfeit our right to have a voice in our elections. We must remember, April 4 in the Spring is important. Truly. Some of us may vote by absentee ballot, but we should vote! Those not living in a voting democracy understand.

• The new Batavia Depot Museum exhibit, will hold its opening reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, March 3, to celebrate the accomplishments of Batavia women for the March Women’s Month. The Depot Museum is at 327 W. Wilson Street. Celebrate!

• Forest Preserve of Kane County will sponsor Maple Sugaring Days, March 4-5, at Creek Bend Nature Center in LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve, 37W700 Dean Street in Charles.

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