Earth Day important, essential, including our bottles

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In 1970 there was laughter when Earth Day had been approved as both a significant day and a cause.

“What does that mean? I should hug a tree” was one of the main refrains often with scornful laughter.

That scene was more than 50 years ago. Both advocates and deniers today take Earth Day more in stride than in those strident days of ecological concern.

Earth Day is April 22 every year. The phrase tree-hugger has survived, still with a little chuckle, however, often with more than a little respect.

We have made a difference in society. There are many individuals who take Earth Day seriously in various gradations. We must take it seriously because we have one planet which is under siege in a variety of ways: Spoiling the soil, truly significant climate change, reduced clean air, mountains of garbage, disposal problems, food waste, plastic pollution…. Solutions to our pollutions must be at hand, even though more than a handful of individuals offer mocking laughter and denial. Many of the older deniers may not live to see the problems of future generations, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

We can make a difference. We can recycle bottles.

The site of will accept bottles which will be ground up and create new bottles. We can make a difference.

• The Voice seeks to acknowledge the special holidays in our society such as the recent Easter celebration by Christians, Passover by Jewish celebrants, Christmas, and Thanksgiving. There are good reasons for those celebrations and somber holidays. Those of the Muslim faith started celebrating Ramadan fasting, prayer, and solemn activities April 13.

Clear and Concise, Week 15 Year 2:

• We at The Voice purposely shed the use of a command style of writing. The style is best used by writers for advertising campaigns to stress a message. Unfortunately, that constant use has more than crept into writing, especially by organizations’ public relations writers. It has become so prevalent it is likely the writers are not aware of it as a style. Examples: Join our…; Watch the best…; Listen to…; Visit our…. The clear and concise writing uses a subject and often a noun to start a sentence. When The Voice receives releases we do our best job to shed the command style.

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