Explorer Post 2535, Kiwanis Club of Oswego, breakfast Saturday, Feb. 2

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The Oswego Police Explorer Post 2535 and the Kiwanis Club of Oswego will be hosts to their third annual pancake breakfast fundraiser at Oswego High School, 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 2. The all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast will have a portion of the proceeds donated to Celebrate Differences, an Oswego not-for-profit organization that specializes in supporting individuals with disabilities.

Breakfast will include sausage, your choice of beverage, and all-you-can-eat-pancakes! New this year is a toppings bar and, as always, we will have gluten-free pancakes available.

Advance tickets for this event are $7 and are available online at Eventbrite.com or you can purchase them in person at the Oswego Police Station and/or A Pinch of Happiness Spice Shop. Tickets are available from the members of Oswego Kiwanis Club, Explorers Post, and Celebrate Differences Board members. Tickets will be available at the door for $8 on the day of the event.

Last year, the Kiwanis Club of Oswego donated $2,500 to the SD308 Robotics Club and $2,500 to the Oswego Police Explorers Post 2535 with the proceeds from the pancake breakfast. At the first pancake breakfast in 2017, $7,500 was donated to help bring the Vietnam Moving Wall to Oswego.
— Kiwanis Club of Oswego

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