Feed the Seed: Encouraged community economic development

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Feed the Seed is excited to announce the launch of a new option in entrepreneurial startup funding. Feed the Seed is a registered 501(c) 3 Nonprofit Corporation with the stated mission to “Encourage local economic development by fostering and supporting business start-ups”. We work in partnership with community organizations to identify and qualify entrepreneurs who need and warrant seed funding through a charitable grant. Our focus is fulfilling the funding needs of early-stage startups in the community.

Most start-ups fail. There are many points of failure along the path. Research has identified an incomplete or lack of a business plan as the leading cause. Key gaps were not understanding the market, lack of product-testing, pricing, margins, and not anticipating competitive moves.

Feed the Seed focuses its efforts to support start-up entrepreneurs in four areas: Skill development, business plan development, small start-up grants, and proof of concept.

Feed the Seed Foundation has access to excellent training and experienced business mentors through affiliation with NaperLaunch and SCORE Fox Valley.

The focus is to provide grants to business owners who work and live in DuPage, Will, Kane, and Kendall Counties in Illinois. The organization has a rigorous application and selection process that captures and assesses traditional business details and evaluates successful founder behaviors. Our evaluation team will consist of experienced business professionals, advisors, and our affiliates. Our Foundation provides a distinctive way to foster economic development.

Contact us at: info@feedtheseedfoundation.org or visit our website; www.feedtheseed.org.

—Feed the Seed Foundation

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