Dare I mention it? By the time you read this narrative, I will have had another colonoscopy. I’m not complaining about the procedure per se, because it’s actually like a weekend in Bermuda and over almost before you know it has begun. The 27 gallons of prep fluid you have to guzzle ahead of time is the nasty part. A couple of colonoscopies ago I made fun of the preparation by saying it tasted similar to llama urine mixed with lemon-flavored Liquid Wrench (or some such cocktail from hell) and incurred the wrath of a reader who apparently is a fan of the stuff.
Focusing of colonoscopies, I see Mr. Wild Bill Suheyda wrote a piece for the June 16 issue of The Voice pooh-poohing electric cars. He listed figures, based on Chevy Volt test drive by somebody named Eric, showing how they are ultimately more expensive than our gas-guzzlers. Mr. Bill still asserts that the future of American energy is in oil, coal, and buggy whips, the whips being gas-powered versions to make them crack faster thereby inducing extra horsepower in the horses pulling our wagons.
His money argument is the same tired one the big oil and coal companies use to keep us using their products rather than investing in solar, wind, and giant hamster wheel-power so they can gouge us at the gas pumps and elsewhere. Mr. Suheyda continues to argue for short-term gain, while sacrificing the future of our kids and their kids by the destruction of our air, water, and rainforests. He’s said previously that China is the biggest air polluter, burning coal everywhere, so why should we quit? That’s kind of like a kid who got caught peeing in the swimming pool, using the excuse, “Johnny does it so why can’t I?” You get enough Johnnies in the pool and nobody will be swimming, especially if one Johnny brings the AR-15 he got as a prize in a box of NRA Cracker Jack.
Sticking with the colonoscopy stream, we’re finally learning how Donald Trump, a man who has no patience, no integrity, no compassion, no empathy, no loyalty, no conscience, no courage, no manners, no character, no morality, no honor, no principles, and no dog (!), stuck it to his followers by creating a real non-existing company to collect $250 million for him. I shed no tears for his hardcore, reality-challenged minions who don’t care that they’ve been lied to and ripped off and still will worship him, even if he beats them with an aforementioned gas-powered buggy whip. I do shed a pretend tear for the average middle-class conservatives who were duped into sending him a few hard-earned dollars believing they would right some perceived wrongs in the voting system.
I get a chuckle out of the fact that Trump complains he’s the subject of a Democrat witch hunt conducted by the January 6 House of Representatives Committee, when every witness who’s testified so far, other than a capitol officer, or, the documentary filmmaker, has been someone who worked in Trump’s organization, or is otherwise connected to the GOP.
It looks to me as if the committee is working its way through the haunted forest and the flying monkeys, with the witch now in its crosshairs.