Focus on Forest Preserve of DuPage County

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By Jenny Donohue

Geoffrey Baer of Channel 11 fame came out to speak about the History of the Forest Preserves Thursday, April 4 at Mayslake, Peabody Estate which is part of the Forest Preserve of DuPage County.

Received by a sold-out audience to attend the impeccably prepared event at the mansion. Public officials in attendance included the president of the DuPage Forest Preserve: Daniel Hebreard who Remarked that the Levy for Preserve in District has not risen In four years. So they have managed to do great work and offer excellent Open and Green Space to the public and manage to deliver on budget as well.

Not only have our forefathers who came before; had the presence of mind to set aside land for the people to enjoy. Those trusted servants as well as we the people are now in a position of working Alongside to take care of these open spaces. With these shared responsibilities; we can all take pride in ownership and be mindful of objectives larger than ourselves. We are all in this together from the minutiae to the big scope.

We are responsible for our choices in how to best live on these sacred grounds. For such an example when entering any kind of a “public space”, the ethos: Leave no trace, still holds true. Not degrading the environment in which we all live and will leave to future generations. In this era of climate change, which may in itself be overwhelming. One small change at a time to be more mindful of our choices in the way we live.

So that together we can make a change, together as one-united we can make a difference in being able to leave a world of beauty and resources for those yet to come to our home of the planet Earth.

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