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Champions of Hope to help Hesed
The Eleventh Annual Champions of Hope Breakfast to Benefit Hesed House, the State of Illinois’ second largest homeless shelter serving the Fox Valley area, will be held at Pipers Banquets at 1295 Butterfield Road in Aurora, from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27.

The breakfast will feature entertainment from the award-winning Metea Valley High School’s “Off the Record” choir. Guests can enjoy a full breakfast, networking, fellowship, and raffle prizes. A special program will include a presentation on “What Makes Our Heart Beat: Time, Talent and Treasure” as well as the inaugural Champions of Hope Community Impact Award presentation.

The first recipient of the Champions of Hope Community Impact Award is the FUSE (Frequent Users Service Engagement) Initiative. FUSE is a collaboration between City of Aurora, Aurora Fire Department, Aurora Police Department, Presence Mercy Medical Center, Rush Copley Medical Center, Hesed House, Breaking Free and Association for Individual Development.

Advanced reservations are required which are $40 per person and $400 per table of 10. Reservations and sponsorships can be made online at

For more information, call 630-914-6428 or send to
—Hesed House

Be The Inspiration: Rotary Feb. 2
The Rotary Club of Aurora Sunrise will be host to its 17th Annual Wine and Chocolate Experience, at the Stonebridge Country Club, 2705 Stonebridge Boulevard, Aurora, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2. All proceeds will help benefit the young people of our community! The evening’s theme, “Be The Inspiration”, which is the Rotary International focus for 2018-2019.

At the Wine and Chocolate Experience, our guests can enjoy a three-hour open beer and wine bar, appetizers and a dinner that includes: A house salad, main entrée of chicken and beef with whipped potatoes and vegetable medley, and delicious warm chocolate lava cake with fresh berries for dessert.
— Rotary Club of Aurora Sunrise

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