Giving Tuesday at Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry

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Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry will participate on the global day of generosity and unity, Tuesday, May 5, a day to come together and give back in response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19, no matter who or where we are. We will bring together our leaders, partners, communities and generous individuals to tap into the power of human connection and grassroots generosity. Whether you give your voice, goods, your time, or your money, let’s come together on behalf of our communities and help people in need. #GivingTuesdayNow.

We can still show social connection and come together for our communities even while practicing physical distancing.

• Support healthcare workers by donating supplies, advocating for them, and staying home.

• Give to the organizations that you love most – no amount is too little and nonprofits need our support. For every $1 you give to the pantry it equals $8 of purchasing power.

• Help out small businesses by buying gift cards or writing an online review.

• Combat loneliness by reaching out to a neighbor, relative, seniors or veterans.

• Thank delivery drivers, volunteers, show appreciation, hand a heart in your window

• Volunteer at an organization that needs help. Get your hands in the dirt and volunteer in our garden at

Due to the COVID-19 crisis protocol, we are limited to how we distribute, what we can receive, where and what we can control, so the why is very important.

Monetary donations at this point are the most effective and immediate. With the new protocols to accept food donations, food rescue cut backs, and Stamp Out Hunger (USPS Food Drive), in May, being postponed, we have to spend more dollars. Our normal distribution has increased three fold. Every dollar counts. Every $1 dollar donated = $8 of purchasing power from our partner the Northern Illinois Food Bank. $10 equals $80 dollars. Donate at

— Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry

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