Good reason for growth of childless couples in the U.S.

Charles Coddintgon
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There is a new trend in the U.S., and perhaps in the rest of the world, as well: Childless couples.

In the past, many couples could not procreate for many reasons. Suffice it to say that these couples resorted to an assortment of remedies. Fertility drugs, which usually produced litters. Remember “Octomom.” Surrogate mothers, wombs-for-hire, can lead to legal complications. In vitro fertilization. Adoption. None of these come with warranties any more than natural childbirth does.

But the trend is with the lack of desire by couples to have children in the first place. Many women these days delay having children because they want to pursue a career first, but that’s not the same thing as not wanting children at all.

Those couples who opt for the childless lifestyles face much social and economic pressure. Their parents want grandchildren, don’t you know? All of their friends are getting married and having children. A woman who works doesn’t get paid as much as a man because, allegedly, she doesn’t have that extra expense at home. No child deductions on one’s income tax are available. Friends and strangers alike think there is something immoral or psychologically wrong with refusing to have children. Couples who consider childlessness must ponder long and hard before making the decision.

So, why do they make that decision?

The Chas has known one such couple in his life-time. The man was a computer repairman, and the woman was a clerk in a driver’s license facility, just your average middle-class couple. They seemed content with their lives.

For starters, there’s that aforementioned extra expense. Child birth and child-rearing is a major, long-term cost-of-living; those who can’t afford the expense, but have children anyway find themselves deep in debt. Then there’s the freedom to pursue other interests, such as a career, social work, recreation; child-rearing takes away from all that. And then there’s the psychological factor, little or no desire to procreate.

One other reason exists, and that is what this essay is all about: Overpopulation. And you’ll excuse me, dear reader, if I write bluntly now.

Human beings are the only species on Earth who have never learned to control their fertility. They believe that they can breed ad infinitum without consequence. Religious individuals like to quote the biblical admonition from the book of Genesis (1:28): “be fruitful and multiply.” They conveniently forget that there is another phrase which follows: “and replenish the Earth.” The Chas asks you, where does replenishment end and depletion begin? He submits that that point long has been passed. The current number of humans stands near eight Billion and increases daily by the hundreds and surpasses the death rate.

The Chas further submits that overpopulation has created most of the environmental, economic, and social woes which plague us today. More humans mean more resources necessary to support them, raw materials, food, and fresh water. Many resources are finite; unless you’re big on recycling, you’ll have to do without some day. Other resources take decades to regenerate, but we are using them up faster than they can regenerate. It may be that our descendants will curse us for our wastefulness and selfishness. More humans mean more burning of fossil fuels and manufacture of plastics which means more pollution and the poisoning of our air, water, and soil. More humans mean more urban/suburban sprawl which means more loss of farmland used for food production which means more reliance on artificially-produced food which means more disease. And that’s just the environmental factor!

More humans mean over-crowding of urban areas. I direct your attention to the sci-fi film Soylent Green. In it is depicted a lack of living spaces and individuals living literally on the streets. Finding enough to eat is a daily struggle, and the masses are relegated to consuming the food of the film’s title. Trash and garbage abound everywhere which causes diseases of all sorts. The unequal distribution of resources produces mass poverty which leads to stress, resentment, crime, and violence which is countered by oppressive tactics by governments and a loss of liberties.

Get the picture, dear reader?

The pro-pregnancy crowd claims that childless couples are selfish in order to gratify their personal desires. The Chas says that they are being quite selfless in order to preserve the Earth for the benefit of future generations.

Just a thought.

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