Healthy perspective: A glass better if always half full

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We really can make our way through the COVID-19 maelstrom, in part, because there is no other way. We do what we have to do to move onward. Although there have been and are problems with the pandemic, hope springs eternal that our situations will become better. We can make it a goal.

If we view our situations in the light of learning experiences and not the final destination, we more nimbly move ahead. Life is truly temporary, both with good things and with bad things. Each day offers new hope and a new way to improve. It helps to appreciate the little joys of life, be serious, and do not take ourselves too seriously.

Rick McKay in his journal on the three amigos and their trip across northern Spain in search of the Way of Santiago, a religious retreat, wrote in reflection that the trip offered humility and a sense of spirituality, qualities we all should seek and reflect.

We would do well to see the individuals we meet along the way as passengers in life, not those to be conquered, exploited, or used, in amusement.

We make one trip through life and should think in terms of support for others as much as what we gain for ourselves. Maturity levels allow freedom to hold a glass that is half full and not half empty.

Clear and Concise, Week 9 Year 2:

Double A, as and also, largely should be stricken from written usage. Nearly always, the word as is used when it should because, or, since. The use of the word as evidently must be an easy way because of uncertainty. Also nearly always is superfluous, or, extra, and not needed. Incorrectly used we can say also for nearly everything such as I went to the store and also bought an item and also came home. The word also is not needed. Each thought can stand on its own without using the word also. Clarity and concise writing is the highlight without extra words. Too often extra words get in the way and do not clarify.

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