Just a thought on the debate of COVID-19 vaccination

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Trying to have a civil discourse with some proponents of vaccination is an exasperating exercise in futility. They delight in using name-calling as part of their “argument,” castigating opponents’ mental health, sense of morality, political affiliation, I.Q. level, and/or sexual orientation.

What most pro-vaxxers fail to realize is that the other side has genuine concerns about vaccination in general and this one in particular, whether it’s a matter of religious/philosophical belief, or health concerns or mistrust in anything cranked out by the pharmaceutical industry, with a track record that leaves a lot to be desired. They listen to the fear-mongering of persons who claim to be knowledgeable in the field of medicine but who may have a secret agenda for raising alarms, whether or not the alarms are real. Panic sets in, and the intended audience demands that the health-care profession, or the government or both “do something” to protect them from the Disease-of-the-Day. They don’t listen to anyone who tells them they can protect themselves simply by using non-chemical techniques.

Vaccination, as an array of artificial chemical compounds is the first resort of the public-health community these days when they should be the last resort. The fear-mongering and the demand that somebody “do something” are motivated by the immense profits vaccination engenders. As a consequence, the various brands have been rushed into production without being fully tested. Naturally, there have been side effects, some fatal, some debilitating; in this regard, the vaccines are no different than any other pharmaceutical product. What has occurred, however, is that the entire population of Planet Earth has been asked to be guinea pigs for the greatest medical experiment in the whole history of humankind.

The plain fact of the matter is that one size does not fit all, never has, never will. Every human being has a unique body chemistry which (s)he has inherited from his/her parents. To create a cure for each individual based upon his/her chemistry would be cost-prohibitive, and so the cures are mass-produced and shrewdly marketed.

Pro-vaxxers often point to the polio vaccine created by Dr. Jonas Salk in 1955 as a model for subsequent vaccines. Dr. Salk’s work was a milestone in the annals of modern medicine (although polio has not yet been completely eradicated). But it was not a “rush job”; he tested and tested until he was absolutely sure that the vaccine was safe to use. And, unlike current vaccine manufacturers, he did not seek indemnification against lawsuits or apply for patents in order to make money. He wanted his product to be affordable for everyone.

Pro-vaxxers are still touting the theory that COVID-19 derived from a bat, even though no bats were found to haunt the precincts of Wuhan, China. On the other hand, the evidence for the theory that a lab leak took place keeps piling up. A telling fact: Most viruses seldom mutate but affect susceptive persons and then go dormant. COVID-19 has now mutated four times, and each mutation is deadlier than the one preceding. Why? The original bat virus was genetically engineered to be highly virulent to human beings, supposedly to create an anti-toxin to it just in case someone initiated biowarfare. The researchers, who received funds from the U.S. National Institutes of Health and the Pentagon, could not have known what they were creating, if they even cared, until it was too late.

Money talks, don’t you know?

By the way, all of the above has been labeled by the pharmaceutical industry, the public-health community, the politicians who are in their pockets, and the mass media as “misinformation/disinformation” and “anti-science.” You may believe what you will, dear reader, but The Chas will remain skeptical, even as he is being dragged off to some secret prison.

You may have heard about the heated exchange between U.S. senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and Dr. Anthony Fauci during a recent Senate subcommittee hearing on the origins of COVID-19. On 29 June, two reputable scientists appeared before a House subcommittee for the same purpose; they listed point by point why the coronavirus had to have been created in a laboratory. Senator Paul got his hands on a transcript of this testimony and challenged Dr. Fauci to refute it. They ended up calling each other a liar. The exchange was notable for being the first time Fauci lost his cool in public.

Inquiring minds want to know, but Dr. Fauci doesn’t want them to know. His reputation is on the block.

Just a thought.

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