Kane County Health Department aim: Volunteers

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The Kane County Health Department (KCHD) is seeking individuals to join the Medical Reserve Corps and volunteer to provide vaccines to the community at the Kane Vax Hub in Batavia. Thehe greatest need is for individuals with medical backgrounds/approved licensures who can administer vaccines.

What duties will volunteers be asked to perform?

Medical volunteers provide shots at the clinics and non-medical volunteers typically help in supporting roles such as symptom triage, greeting, registration/forms distribution, medical screening, flow monitoring, and vaccine checkout. They might help with entering data.

There is an executive order that exands the scope of practice to certain medical professionals to allow for giving vaccines to include:

• Paramedics (Can vaccinate 6 years and older)


• LPNs

• RNs

• Nursing Students (under direct supervision of their clinical instructor)

• Dentists (can vaccinate 16 years and older)

• Pharmacists (can vaccinate 3 years and older)

Medical volunteers must have a current license. Non-medical volunteers must be good at working with the public and be able to provide excellent custom service, as well as being comfortable with utilizing technology.

There is not a minimum requirement for commitment.

Is being bilingual a plus? If so, what languages are most needed in volunteers?

Definitely, yes. Spanish and Hindi would be really helpful, but assistance with any other language would be welcome.

Will volunteers receive any specific training?

Medical volunteers must complete vaccination training online and successfully complete a vaccination competency checklist. All volunteers receive just-in-time training on their first shift at the vaccination clinics.

Volunteers can visit KaneHealth.com/Pages/Medical-Reserve-Corps.aspx and click on the Kane County MRC volunteer banner at the top of the page. Individuals who are interested can also contact the Health Department at 630-208-3801 for more information.

We are requesting that volunteers help at the Kane County Vax Hub, 501 N. Randall Road, Batavia. For more information about scheduling a COVID-19 vaccination appointment, visit KaneVax.org.

— Kane County Health Department

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