Life Lived Forward, Understand Backward

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Editor’s note: A Christmas greeting recalls the past:

During this wonderful time of year, we spend many hours reminiscing about our early schooling, with Cathy attending classes in a newer brick building, while I attended classes in a two-story wooden structure. The ground floor was for first and second grades with the second floor for third and fourth.

In the right front of each classroom stood a large coal stove, surrounded with buckets of coal and part of a teacher’s job while educating, was stoking the fire apparently when feeling cool. I have no recollection of running water, but the odor of chemical toilets is not easily forgotten. The school bell was hand-held by students who would open a second story window then vigorously ring it. It seemed satisfactory, until accidentally being dropped.

Education consisted of the three Rs, reading, writing, and arithmetic. We studied the U.S. Constitution and learned respect for the flag and the rule of law; that was how classes were taught. Merit grading, which builds pride and a sense of achievement, was always the norm. Above all it was teaching us how to think, not what to think.

While dreading it, everyone was a reluctant star in the annual Christmas play. It was this background that prepared us for high school and additional education, thus allowing us to pursue what has been joyful careers and lives.

—Cathy and Fred
Christmas 2019

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