List of tips suggested to avoid contracting the virus

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By Evelyn Essling

I received an audio file in an E-mail from one of my daughters. In the recording a nurse working with Doctors Without Borders claims the doctors have discovered, from autopsies on COVID-19 victims, mucus clogs in the throats. In order for medicine to work the mucus clogs have to be cleared out. The nurse had a list of tips for individuals to do to help avoid getting the virus. I wrote them down and had to back up a couple of times.

• Drink lots of hot water, tea, soup. Drink warm water, every 20 minutes, which keeps the mouth moist and washes the virus into the stomach where the gastric juices will kill it. Try to avoid getting the flu and avoid consuming cold drinks.

• Gargle with very warm water and vinegar, salt, or lemon, every day if possible.

• If you have a sore throat or any discomfort swallowing, try to gargle hot water. The virus enters the body through the mouth and nasal passages, and can remains for three to four days before it enters the lungs.

• The virus can attach to hair and clothing. Any soap or detergent will kill it, but it is recommend to go into the bathroom when arriving at your house after being outside and wash hands, and hair. If possible, hang your clothes in direct, unfiltered sunlight. The UV light from the sun can help kill the virus.

• Wash metallic surfaces very carefully, especially door knobs. The virus can be viable for nine days on surfaces.

• No Smoking

• Wash hands for 20 seconds with any soap that foams.

• Eat fruits and veggies. Try to increase Zinc levels.

• Animals do not spread the virus.

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