Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry served, expanded, in 2021

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Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry volunteers and staff members recently recapped the many accomplishments of 2021. In spite of the historic challenges of the year, the pantry continued to provide meals for the community, and to grow and expand in their services.

Pantry leaders expressed gratitude that because of the collective action of this community compassion, MWFP can provide hope and fresh nutritious food for vulnerable neighbors.

In 2021, MWFP worked hard to continue its mission of serving the community by exercising effective stewardship for optimum results in efficiency and productivity. Those efforts included:

• Purchased a refrigerated box truck for food rescue program;

• Expanded senior food distribution program;

• Reinstalled East Aurora High School student distribution;

• Installed a Playful learning display;

• Expanded the urban farm green house;

• Expanded community garden plots;

• Purchased an industrial commercial composter.

Most importantly, all of this was accomplished while proudly continuing the commitment ensuring that 96% of every dollar donated directly supports volunteer-operated facilities.

—Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry

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