Mayor Irvin, APL’s personnel, extol virtues of libraries

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By Anthony Stanford – 

Talk about a great day to hitch a ride on the Bookmobile! June 12, special guest reader Aurora mayor Richard Irvin, a huge fan of books,

Mayor Richard Irvin of Aurora waves prior to reading to children at Phillips Park on Bookmobile Day. Submitted photo

participated in the Aurora Public Library (APL) “Stories at the Zoo” series at the Phillips Park Zoo. An animated mayor Irvin read to a group of thrilled children who later lined up to take photos with the mayor.
It’s not often that libraries literally toot their own horns. Riding along with bookmobile driver Mike Pracht, Bookmobile services assistant, Sheri Roberts, and outreach manager, Kathleen Butzen, presented an opportunity to get a close-up look at the unique service that the APL Bookmobile offers to customers.
The role that bookmobiles play in bringing services to customers is a significant one. Bookmobiles have come a long way since those early days during the 19th Century when books were delivered by horse-drawn wagons. Today’s bookmobiles offer outreach services that meet the needs of customers with limited mobility and serve as a library’s rolling location. Among the APL’s bookmobile services are Lobby Stop Service, Homebound Service, Senior Programming, Traveling Storytime, and Stories in the Park.
Talking about the Bookmobile, Butzen states that “working in outreach, particularly with the Bookmobile, is such a rewarding job. There is something inspiring about doing a job where the customers get very excited when personnel shows up to do their work. Children run to the Bookmobile to get the newest copy of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, nursing home residents wait patiently while the library ladies unload the Mini B [outreach minivan], and our homebound customers smile when they open their doors to see outreach staff on their doorsteps.
“The Outreach Services Department’s mission is dedicated to providing essential library services to anyone facing barriers due to physical limitations or transportation issues. We strive to strengthen and improve the quality of life for our customers by creating a sense of community and increasing their understanding of library resources available. To say the least, I am very proud of the work we do for the residents of Aurora.”
Discussing the importance of encouraging children to read early and often, mayor Irvin said, “The earlier that children start loving words and books, the better. Reading leads to a lifetime of learning, empowerment, and success.”
Anthony Stanford is an author and Aurora Public Library Media Consultant.

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