Memorial candlelight vigil remembers homeless deaths

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A memorial candlelight vigil will be held Thursday night, Dec. 21, to remember Aurora-area homeless people who died in the past year.

Celebrating All-Saints’ Day, Rev. Tammy Scott, pastor at Aurora’s Wesley United Methodist Church, lights a candle November 5 to remember Wesley congregants who died during the past year. Wesley will hold a second annual memorial candlelight vigil for Aurora’s homeless. Thursday, Dec. 21, outdoors at at Millennium Plaza, 21 S. Stolp Avenue in downtown Aurora. Al Benson/The Voice

Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora will sponsor the second annual outdoor candlelight observance at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 21, at Millennium Plaza, 21 S. Stolp Ave. in Aurora.

Rev. Tammy Scott, Wesley pastor, said “We will read names and light candles bring dignity to those who have died and to remind ourselves that, even though we may not see the people who live on the edges of our community, they are still part of us. Everyone deserves dignity. Having dignity towards one another impacts the community we are building.”

Expected to read names of people who have passed are representatives of Hesed House homeless shelter, Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry and Association for Individual Development.

The event is part of Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, observances held around the United States on or around December 21, to honor those who have died because they did not have shelter.

—Al Benson

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