New Diabetes Club Forming In Fox Valley

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By Russ George

November is National Diabetes Month and what a great honor it is to announce the formation of a brand new club, called the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley.

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley will be a true grassroots organization, where all money raised through dues, donations, and fundraisers, will be used locally, for the Club’s diabetic causes.

October 13, there were 15 individuals who began a new journey together, to build a new diabetes club, one that would bring about an awareness of diabetes, while providing aid and education to diabetics, along with investing in research to find a cure.

Two additional organizational meetings have been held, and the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley has grown in membership to 40 dedicated individuals, who want to work together, in our fight against diabetes.

Club officers/Board members are Russ George, president; Chuck Nelson, vice president; Matt McCain, second vice president; Pat Jones, secretary; Jackie Klaisner, treasurer; Jimmy Schmidt, sergeant-at-arms; Ed Carroll, chaplain; Elena Blackwell, Board member; Ernie Jones, Board member; Ann McBride, Board member; Jenny McCain, Board member; and Kenlyn Nash-Demeter, Board member.

Please contact me if you’re interested in joining with us, as we continue this journey together, helping to fight diabetes in the Fox Valley area.

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